"te amo"

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"I-IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HER," Rafe clenched the gun in his hand, tremoring as he lowered

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"I-IT WASN'T SUPPOSED TO BE HER," Rafe clenched the gun in his hand, tremoring as he lowered. Ward and Rafe stood back, watching Santana collapse into JJ's arms; the boy went pale while Santana's shirt turned red. Rafe turned to Ward, "Dad, y-you gotta believe me. I wasn't aiming for her. S-Sarah was-"

"Shut the hell up Rafe," Ward's voice cracked as he ran toward Santana. JJ had carefully helped her cross back into the boat, holding her up with her arms around his shoulders.

"W-what do I do?" JJ, at first said softly, like he was speaking to himself but then screamed toward the boat, "What do I do! D-do I lay her down? Do-"

"I wanna go JJ," Santana gulped, avoiding taking a look down her body, "Let's just go."


"I can make it," She lied, stiffly nodding her head. One of her hands slithered down to her wound where she pushed down, her eyes shut the second her fingers had felt the blood. She'd never felt pain like this, "Just help me."

"Somebody get some help!" JJ screamed out, "Isn't there a fucking medic on this boat!"

"It's okay," Santana continued to talk, thinking it would make her feel better. The more she told herself it was okay, the less she wanted to look. Her eyes grew heavier, wanting to sink — but she tried her hardest to keep them open.

"Baby it's okay," JJ nodded to agree, he tried to help her lay down but she didn't want too, "Don't make me lay down J. Let's go. Please. Let's go."

"We can't," JJ whispered, and tears begin to flush his eyes.

Ward had found the medic, running further ahead to catch up to the two. Rafe was pacing in the background, rambling to himself — apologising over and over.

"The medic is headed here now-" Ward tried to take a hold of Santana, but JJ's subconscious hold was stronger, "Move out of the way JJ-"

JJ spat at Ward's feet, only laying her down because the medic had yelled so from behind. JJ knelt down beside Santana, and his eyes didn't leave hers once.

"I'm okay," She repeated again, looking up at the JJ, "We need to go. I-I want to go."

"If you take her, she won't make it," Ward broke down when he heard her, shoving JJ away while managing his tears, "I'm not going to let her die JJ Maybank! Get out of the way! Leave!"

All the Pogues had were a small getaway boat, and not a hospital in sight. Anywhere. They were in the middle of the ocean. Ward had a medic, some sort of directions and a crew to look after her.

It stung JJ because he knew he couldn't get her off the boat, not like this. But thought of leaving her behind there hurt him the most. He didn't want that either.

He slowly watched her turn cold, losing motion from her panic. She looked up at him for the first time, "I don't want to lie down."

"Sana," JJ knelt down beside the girl, softly sliding his hands under her back to lift her upward a little to appease, "Come on San."

"Just don't leave me here," She barely mumbled, gasping for air as her heart beat faster and more blood trickled from her wound, "Please."

"Where is the medic!" Ward screamed at the top of his lungs, uncontrollably. The boats medic ran over with what looked to be enough equipment, but Santana was still bleeding out — mostly because neither Ward or JJ would allow the other to take hold of Santana.

"Move out of the way!" Ward yelled, ripping JJ away from the girl in order to make room for the medic — they moved straight onto Santana's wound. The medic ushered both Ward and JJ out of his way too, leaving them to their own vices.

"Do you wanna be responsible for her death son?" Ward pushed JJ backward, and JJ came right back. JJ grabbed Ward by his collar, "This is all your fault! This is all you Ward! You and your deranged fucking son!"

"What the hell is going on!" Sarah screamed from the ocean, noticing the interaction was prolonged. JJ hadn't let go of Ward, "You're gonna pay for this!"

"I just want her to be okay," Ward tearfully replied. JJ had looked down at Santana from over his shoulder, she looked paler. She continued to shake her head, "Don't leave me here!"

"I need everybody to move out of the way completely," The medic insisted, "She doesn't need any distractions."

"JJ!" He zoned out, hearing the Pogues screaming from the ocean as they clearly grew worried.

Ward interfered with his mind battle, grabbing him by the collar, "Get off this boat. I'm telling you right now JJ Maybank — you leave her alone. Le-"

Santana looked up at him, her face scrunched in discomfort with floods of tears as she shook her head. Santana's eyes were fading, twitching open and closed.

Ward grabbed JJ harder, knowing the boy wouldn't leave on his own. He harshly pulled JJ to the edge of the boat, "I'm giving you a chance. Leave."

JJ wiped his mouth, "You better fucking take care of her or I swear to God I'll come back and I'll kill you with my bare hands! You'll be fucking dead."

"— count your days Ward Cameron."

While being held over the boat, JJ mouthed to Santana, "Te amo princesa."

Santana's eyes flickered before they went dark, seeing the highlight of the blonde cross over the side of the boat, and the sound of the ocean waves.

And they got away unscathed.

— cloudydior
that was way too hurtful
i'm sorry for this one <3

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