19. Alone

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Wednesday, May 18th. 2023

John B's pov

So today is the day that we're leaving JJ with River and I really hope that it goes ok. There both asleep right now, so I'm putting little notes around the chateau, so JJ knows what to do, and then I'm just gonna go and hangout with Sarah the rest of the day when JJ wakes up he'll be alone.

JJ's pov

I wake up to River crying in John B's room, he's been crying for 5 minutes

"John B, the baby's crying!" I yell and get no answer, of course not. "Dude can you not hear that..." I say getting up and going to his room, just to see that he's not here

Then I see a note on River's crib from John B saying that he's with Sarah for the day and I'm alone, with River

"Oh you asshole" I say calling him

On the phone

"What the hell you need to get your ass back here right now" I say as he answers the phone

"Calm down god, this wasn't my idea I didn't wanna do this" he says

"I don't care who's idea it was your gonna get your ass back here, can you here him right now" I say

"Yeah I can he's probably hungry, I left little notes for you around the house good luck, bye JJ" He says hanging up

"No don't..." I say before he he hangs up.

Off the phone

"Calling you again asshole" I say to himself calling him. It goes straight to voicemal. "Damnit" I say throwing my phone on the bed

"Hey it's ok, stop crying" I say putting the pacifier in his mouth. He takes it for a second then spits it out and continues to cry. "No hey it's ok, look" I say waving a stuff animal in front of him, which makes him cry more

"Ok I'm sorry, that's scary huh, it's gone" I apologize throwing the stuffed animal. "What do you want huh, I don't know what you want, just please stop crying" I say starting to cry myself, I'm freaking out and I hate it when he cries. "I wish you could just tell me what you want" I say

Then I remember John B on the phone saying that he was probably hungry

"You hungry, you want a bottle, I'll get it, it'll be ok" I say walking to the kitchen

There I see a note taped to the cabinet from John B, with directions on how to make him a bottle

"Ok, fill bottle to the top line, then 4 scoops of formula and shake well" I wripser to myself

"Ok little guy it's ok here you go" I say putting it in his mouth and letting go like an idiot thinking he can hold it, so he gets milk all over his neck

"Oh shit, dammit sorry, shit where are they" I say looking for the wipes as he starts crying again. "Ah found them, here you go, sorry" I say wiping his mouth and neck as he's crying

"Ok here's your bottle back it's ok, I'll hold it" I say giving him the bottle. "That good, huh, drink it fast please, I don't wanna stand here" I say

Then I get a text from John B saying that his head needs to be higher then his legs when he's eating or he'll get gassy

"I'm not picking him up, fuck that" I say to myself

Then River looks at me with his big blue eyes and smiles at me while drinking his bottle, I start tearing up and I couldn't help but smile back

"Hey little guy, I'm gonna pick you up ok" I say taking the bottle out of his mouth then he starts crying. "Hold on, you can have it back in a sec" I say picking him up for the first time since he was born

"Hey buddy it's ok, here's your bottle" I say walking to the living room and sitting on the couch. "Omg I can't do this, what am I doing, John B hurry please" I say crying again

I look at him as he drinks his bottle, he's gotten so big, it's crazy. His hair is starting to get really long, he's looks a lot like me.

Hour later

I'm sitting on the couch watching tv with River next to me laying on his back, kicking his little legs and smiling

"What you smiling at, huh" I say tickling his stomach, which makes him smile more. "Your cute, I'll admit it" I say going back to watching tv

Then I hear a grumbling sound coming from him and he has this weird look on his face

"What's wrong with you, you can't be hungry already" I say looking at him worried

Then I hear another loud grumble from him, now I know whats wrong, shit I can't change a diaper let alone a shitty one

"Are you shiting right now or you just gassy" I say like he's gonna answer me
"Fuck ok, God I don't wanna do this" I say smelling his diaper, yep he shit

"God, you smell" I say covering my nose. "Ok let's get you changed, I guess" I say putting him on his blanket on the floor and grabbing wipes and a diaper. "I don't know what I'm doing, so sorry if I fuck this up" I say going to take his diaper off

"Omg, I'm gonna throw up" I say wiping him off

After a little bit of wiping him off he starts peeing and gets it all my clothes before I can cover him up with the wipe.

"Really do you do that to John B to or is it just me, do you hate me that much" I say. "Are you done or you gonna pee again once I take this off" I sat waiting a little then taking the wipe off and getting a new one to finish cleaning him

"Ok your clean, no peeing, gotta get this diaper on you" I say putting it under him and folding the flaps over like the nurse showed me back when he was born. "Glad that's over, now don't do it again till John B's here" I say putting him in his swing, so I can go change my clothes

John B's pov- hours later

It was dark now and I was back at the chateau ready to see the mess JJ made, but surprisingly I walk in and it's actually clean in here.

"Wow, you didn't trash the place" I say looking over at JJ who's passed out on the couch with River

"Wow, you didn't trash the place" I say looking over at JJ who's passed out on the couch with River

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I get on the phone to FaceTime Kie. "Hey Shh, I think your plan worked, look" I say turning the camera around

"Omg, see I told you it would work and you didn't believe me" she wripsers. "Yeah I just hope it stays working" I wripser turning the camera back around

"It will, take a picture of him, bye" she wripsers. "Bye" I say

Really hope this changes things with JJ and River

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