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The following morning, Tommy and Astella made their way through their motor factory towards Tommy's office where they found Michael running his hand over the desk and he sniffed, "I told you didn't need to come on Christmas Eve, I could've dealt with it," Michael looked at Astella, "Stella," He said.

"Hello, Michael," He stood up and they kissed each other's cheek, "Good to see you," She said and looked at her husband.

Tommy placed his satchel on the table, his hat and coat on the coat rack, "Yeah, like you dealt with it," Astella walked over to Tommy and he removed her coat, placing it with his, "At the pressings factory," Tommy said.

"Well, this is the same problem," Michael placed some papers on the table near them and Tommy picked them up then the married couple looked at the document, "Same fucking union convenor. Area convenor for the boiler makers union has got involved with something," Michael sat at the end of the table, "That could've otherwise been fixed with a drink and a bribe," Michael said.

"Yeah, they don't work like that anymore... Well, not everyone," Astella said.

"A wire-cutting shop?" Tommy questioned.

Michael hummed, "And all the wire cutters here are women, that's why the union convenor thinks they're being underpaid," Michael said and Astella looked at her husband.

"Well, tell him, there are no men in the cutting shop so there can be no comparatives," Tommy said.

"It's a woman," Michael told him.

"What is?" Tommy asked and Astella smirked.

"The union convenor causing all the trouble," Michael said.

"My wife?" He asked.

"Fuck off," Astella scoffed.

"Fuck her," He muttered.

"Her name's Jessie Eden," Michael said.

"Oh, I like her," Michael and Tommy looked at Astella, "What? Don't want me in the company, don't tell me to join you next time, simple as, darling," Astella said.

"Do you want me in the meeting?" Michael asked.

Tommy and Astella looked at Michael, "No," They answered.

Michael got him and headed for the door, "Michael," Tommy said.

Michael stopped and turned to his cousin as Tommy walked over to him while Astella looked over the document, Tommy picked up Michael's coat and pulled out 2 small jars of cocaine. Astella looked over and Tommy gestured to her to sit down, she walked over and sat down near Michael as Tommy sat on the chair beside her as they looked at Michael, "Look, sometimes I have a sniff of snow, so what?" He asked.

Tommy cleared his throat, "How's your mother?" Michael looked at him in silence as Astella looked at her nails, "We drove past her house, the drain pipe was hanging off, and Astella won't talk," Tommy said.

"Look, the cocaine keeps me awake. Very long hours these days and when I do sleep I dream about what happened, but Astella's not waiting outside for us," Michael said and Astella reached over and grabbed his hand.

"I wasn't asking about you, Michael, was I?" Tommy asked.

"And you wonder why you are family enemy number one," Astella said.

"I was asking about your mother," Tommy said.

"Tell him," Astella said and leaned back.

Michael took a deep breath, "Since she was pardoned she's been on these fucking tablets the doctor gave her when she was in the prison," He placed his hands on the table and leaned forward, "She says that when she was inside the noose, she saw spirits. She's running seances but people just come into the house to steal things... Tommy, it's bad," Michael said.

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