𝐯𝐢𝐢. the birthday

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            AS THE WEEKS PASSED, Kiara and June were inseparable. The countless sleepovers was like heaven as they laughed and sung their heart away. They were official. But, somehow it never got completely out.

Sarah Cameron didn't know why she was so crushed. She felt as if her best friend was with another girl. Literally. She was very aware of their relationship but, she felt like the only girl she ever cared truly about was being stolen away, as any girl would feel in her shoes.

Speaking of shoes, "Girl, those look like a pigeon shitted on your shoes." June degraded as she looked at Sarah's black base shoes with white smudges all over them. "Hey! They're cute."

"Yeah, look in the mirror some more." June teased, smiling at the girl infront of her who hit her with a pillow, "Not funny." June grabbed her with a laugh and gave her a hug, "Don't worry I love you. Just not the shoes, kay?"

"I love you too, I guess." She sarcastically mumbled. "How's you and Kie?"

"We're pretty good. She's just distant, if you get what I mean." Sarah gave her a confused look as she sighed,

"I dunno. She's different now. Almost mean. Like, she doesn't really act how she used too act in public anymore. She's almost, cautious." June explained. "You think she's scared of you guys getting out?"

"No, because a lot of people know about it already. It's just, something's not right." And just like that, Sarah felt the smartest she had ever been in a long time. "June, doesn't she have a new friend or something?"

"Yeah, Camilla. That's who she's with now actually." Sarah gave her a look that immediately brought chills too her body, "No way. You don't think..?"

"I think." Sarah nodded, sad too even think of Kiara that way. "She wouldn't, Sar'. She's my girlfriend." June awkwardly chuckled, "Your girlfriend who's been being weird and ignoring you all month. God, open your eyes just a little bit at the possibility." Sarah continued, "She may not be cheating on you but, I wouldn't trust it."

June sighed as she let her head fall into Sarah's lap. "This is so confusing."

"I know. But, don't worry about that. Your birthday is in literally three days. I'm throwing the biggest party at my house. It's gonna be fucking huge. The seniors are coming, Juniors, everybody. A chance for you too meet new people and stop stressing about Kiara fucking Carrera!"

"Okay. Thank you. For real. Wanna go shopping or something?" Sarah licked her lips, "Thought you'd never ask."

As June walked through the mall, she saw many things that reminded her of how she was with Kiara. They way she loved her. As two ladies walked down the mall hand in hand as she held her up from falling, it was laughter that echoed throughout the mall from the couple. She wished they could go back too being happy but, all they did was argue anymore.

Sarah rolled her eyes at the sight infront of her, "There's my brother and Camilla. Shit heads." June rolled her eyes as Rafe practically broke his neck too look at the two, only to get a middle finger from the brunette while the blonde next to her was clueless.

June smiled as she got home. A nicely cleaned room and it smelled like roses as she saw the pretty ones spread on her desk. "What the," She mumbled at the feeling of a pair of arms wrap around her waist. "Hi." Her voice. Like a one in a million. She could point it out in a group of all the girls in the world. It was her.

She felt a wave of excitement as she turned around, kissing her as her hands traveled too her hips. "I missed you." June laughed. "Me too." Kiara couldn't have smiled bigger as she rubbed her shoulder lightly.

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