𝐱𝐯𝐢𝐢𝐢. leave me

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          SILENCE. Silence was heard as only the heavy breathing in nerves around them were heard.

June felt like something was wrong. As she breathed, her body practically jolted, scared to move even the slightest bit.

Peterkin dropped to her knees infront of Ward, confusion filling their bodies. "Rafe?" That name made her head bolt up as she stared at his face, watching his smile grow wider at the sight of her fearful eyes.

"I saved you, Dad." Rafe widened his eyes staring at June's stomach as his hand that held the gun shook. Though, she furrowed her eyebrows at Ward's face as he turned to face her and that burning sensation in her stomach made her wince.

As Sarah ran to Peterkin, June could only hear her own slowed breaths whilst staring at the sight infront of her. Looking down at the blood on her hand— fear hit her.

Not sadness. Not worry. But fear.

The fear of dying was a very common thing. But, June hadn't had that fear until this moment as her bright red hands laid on her eyes. The way the warm liquid dripped off her hand terrified her.

A fear of realization.

Her breathe hitched loudly, making John B swing his head to look at the girl, "June?" June's eyes shot up to look at him, only for Sarah to look up at the silence, and her eyes knew exactly where to look.

They stared at each other in fear, watching as the teenage girls life flashed before her eyes. "Rafe, what did you do?" Ward hummed, standing up at the sight infront of him.

"I saved you." Was all he could say.

June tried to move but winced in pain, her knees buckling behind her, letting herself drop. "June!" John B cried out, running to catch her in his arms.

She cried at the pain of it all, a hand on her hip, "JB, JB, no," June shook her head as he roughly applied pressure, wincing in pain as her hand quickly squeezed his arm.

"It's okay. It's okay," He cried, shaking his head at his best friend.

It all hit him as he looked between the two. Was this all worth it? He was now in the arms of his wounded friend and a wounded Sheriff over gold. Gold. John B let a tear fall as Sarah rushed to them. "I'm so sorry, June."

"Junes? Ju?" Sarah put a hand on her face, grabbing her hand. "Talk to me," she nodded at her in approval, taking deep breaths for both herself and the girl.

Peterkin began panting, making their heads turn, as John B rushed to get the Walkie-Talkie, "Don't touch it! Give it to me, John."

June groaned, shaking her head as she cried, "Your okay. I've got you. I'm here."

Sarah was now crying lifting up her best friend, mentally and physically wincing at her squeals of pain, "No!" She groaned, the squeezing feeling in her stomach taking over as the girl was lifted.

"I'm so sorry." Sarah kissed her forehead, keeping a hand on her wound, one in her hand. "Sarah, am I gonna die? I'm gonna die?" June didn't know if she was asking a question or telling her as she squeezed her wrist,

"No! Your not gonna die. Please," Sarah cried, pressing another kiss to her forehead, completely ignoring the sight going on infront of her, completely focusing on her best friend.

As June felt a tight feeling in her body once more she let out a choked sob, "I don't wanna die! I have s-so much I wanna do." June muffled out, letting her words blur out in fear, "Your not going to die, Ju. Your gonna do everything you want, okay?" Sarah cried, wrapping her stomach in a piece of John B's shirt.

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