38: So Is Youre Daughter

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"There she is." John B says as we pull up the the Chateaus dock.

"Bet it is good to see her old bones. Welcome home, guys." JJ says. He helps me off the boat as we connect hands and walk up to the house.

"You know, I gotta be honest. Not exactly looking forward to a check-in at home. My parents probably already arranged my funeral." Kie states.

"I predict unpleasantries at the Heyward household after I left the truck in Charleston." Pope adds.

"Hmm. No one knows we're here, right? And you two aren't gonna get into any more trouble
for showing up 12 hours later. And Barry knows you're safe. So why don't we party here. Am I right, or am I right?" JJ asks.

"You're not wrong." Pope says.

"So that means we have 12 hours
to do whatever we want. Huh? A little Pogue fellowship. How does that sound?"

"Let the shit hit the fan tomorrow." John B adds.

"Yeah!" JJ says excited.

"The cops could be looking for us. It could be really stupid." Sarah says unsure.

"Sarah Cameron, you've heard of my philosophy, right?" JJ asks.

"No." She responds. Here we go again.

"Stupid things have good outcomes all the time. Who's with me? Let's get some beer!"

JJ and Kie go get beer while I talk with Sarah on the boat.

"You stopped right?" She quietly asks.

"What?" I ask confused.


"Oh uhm, yea."

"Because of Kie right? When we were friends all the guys always looked at her, not me. I got so jealous that I did the same thing. And I figured you might because her and JJ are so close. Sorry if this is a tough subject in all." She quickly says feeling bad.

"You're right though. I talked to him, he promised there's was never gonna be anything between him and Kie. Then he told me he was madly in love with me." I tell her with a smile at the end.

"Ah." She says hugging me as we laugh.

JJ shows off his beer case to Sarah and I before he leans down and quickly kisses me. He then goes to sit by pope and Kie.

"I've also noticed that every time he's alone with Kie, he comes back and kisses me. Is that good? Or bad?" I ask Sarah.

"I mean. If there was actually something going on between them he wouldn't do that. So good. Look at us in love." She says as she wraps her arm around my shoulder pulling me into her side.

We are all laughing in the hot tub as Pope raps.
"I never made good grades in school When I get out, I act like a fool They say I come in the party And cause a commotion I'm smooth
Yeah, call me lotion"

"Get it, Pope!" Kie yells as we are now watching JJ and Pope play their game.

"Ah! Good, good, good, good, good! Get on the leg! Oh!"

"With the single-leg sweep." John B says.

"You've got a new technique now." JJ says trying to win.

"When did you start wrestling?" John B asks as Pope wins.

"I dunno." Pope says honestly.

"Way to be discreet!" JJ yells as he sits down next to me. We look over and see Kie and Pope walking.

Nothing to Loose, But You - JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now