Chapter 17

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A few hours after Sarah texted me about John B I picked him up and took him with me to Kie's dad's restaurant to meet up with the Pogues. He broke the news that he's staying at Tannyhill and as expected it doesn't look like Kie is taking it very well. "I'm sorry you're staying where?!" Kie asked angrily.

"Tannyhill." JB responded.

"You're living with Sarah Cameron?!"

"Well it was either that or foster care." I jumped in coming to his defense. Considering the fact that Sarah isn't holding a grudge anymore, the fact that Kie won't let it go is annoying. "If Ward didn't step in he'd be screwed."

"Hey so does that mean you guys get memberships to the clubs now?" Pope asked and I shook my head at them trying to get the perks of kook life.

"I don't know Pope." JB answered, already over this conversation because of Kie's attitude. I feel bad for him. I can tell he has a crush on Sarah too and it's going to suck choosing between his crush and his friends.

"What about those golf carts they drive around? Do you guys get one of those?" JJ questioned.

"Look you promised that nothing's going on with her." Kie told him. "If you wanna hang out with her that's fine but i'm letting you know right now I'm not doing anything with her." I fought the urge to roll my eyes at her childishness.

"Just own it dude, she got you." JJ remarked.

"Do you guys see her here right now?!" JB snapped. "No? Hmm, then a little focus would be great." He pulled out the map from his backpack and laid it out. "We've got the map right here." I looked at the plat map Sarah and I got from Ward last night.

"It's all outta whack because the guy was ganja'd when he drew it." JJ stated, and JB and I gave him a 'wtf' look.

"It's cause the coast has changed." Kie explained and he nodded.

"So we just have to find a place where it hasn't changed." Pope realized.

"What about some of the older ruins?" I asked.

"Battery Jasper." Kie agreed.


We made our way out to Battery Jasper and stood inside the small stone ruin circle. This set of ruins is on a hill that overlooks the woods and you can see the water in the distance. "If this is parcel nine then it's somewhere north east of here." Pope said, looking down at the map.

"Over there." Kie gestured to the woods.

"That's not Tannyhill, that's a subdivision." JJ reminded us.

"Tannyhill used to be the entire island." JB responded. "It got sold into smaller pieces over time." I looked down at the map and saw a drawing of some stones.

"So we're looking for a stone wall?" I asked, and Pope nodded. That sounds practically impossible.


We got in the car and JB drove to where the map lead and funnily enough, we ended up in front of a stone wall. The only problem is that the stone wall lines the property of the Crain house. Most towns have a ghost story house and ours is the Crain house. Allegedly old Mrs. Crain was an axe murderer. "You've got to be kidding me." Kie groaned as we got out of the car.

"Worst case scenario." Pope agreed with her.

"I heard Mrs, Crain buried her husband's head here." JJ told us, and I rolled my eyes.

"I seriously doubt that JJ." As we made our way through the property JJ and Kie talked about the stories they heard about this place and about how JJ used to be babysat by Hollis Craine, who is Mrs. Craine's daughter. Supposedly she killed her husband and hid the body.

"You are so full of shit." JB called out JJ's story, and the two of us started walking. I don't believe the story either.

"Wait wait dude wait!" JJ stopped us. "Are you sure you wanna do this? She's an axe murderer and you have a cast on." He reminded JB.

"I don't care if she's an axe murderer." JB argued. "We've got nothing to lose. Are you in or what?" JJ hesitated but eventually caved and they followed us. We all split up to look for water and JB and Kie found an opening to underneath the house. We all went in and looked around.

"Down came Mrs. Crain and cut off all our heads." JJ sang. "Up came the sun and dried up all the blood."

"Can you stop?!" Pope hissed, shining his flashlight on JJ.

"I don't see any water." Kie stated, and we scanned the room. Mosquitoes kept swarming us and I tried to swat them out of the way. "Another dead end?"

"There's not even water on the pipes." JJ said, running his hand over them.

"There's no water here." Pope agreed.

"Not a dropamino." JJ said, and I looked over at JB who ran a hand through his hair in frustration.

"You know why we didn't find it?" Kie asked, and I sighed. "Bad karma."

"Just stop it Kie." I complained. Sarah's been so nice to them all lately I don't see how she could possibly hate her so much.

"We had a good thing going." She stated, standing in front of JB. "Then you had to go and rope in Barbie and now the trails gone dry.

Coincidence? Probably not."

"This is exactly why I didn't want to tell you about Sarah." He huffed, losing his patience. "What is the deal between you two anyway? What's the issue?!"

"Nothing." She lied.

"Nothing? Really? What is it? Is it because I kissed you?" She slapped him hard in the face making me and the guys gasp.

"Damn." Pope stated.

"Stop treating me like some girl that's obsessed with you instead of your best friend who's trying to help you." She scolded him.

"Did you just, hit me?" He asked in disbelief.

"Skeeter." She said and held up her hand to reveal a dead mosquito. Suddenly he slapped her back in the face.


"Dude No." JJ was ready to step in.

"Skeeter." He showed her his hand, and it turned into a fight between the two of them slapping each other hitting mosquitoes.

"Why is there so god damn many of them?!" I huffed, slapping the shit out of myself to get them as they bit me. "We're literally in a basement!"

"Wait." Pope walked over to the floor and dropped a small pebble through the crack of it. A second later we heard a plopping sound as the rock hit water. "Guys!" We helped him move the wooden flooring away to reveal a well. "Well well well."

"That's a good dad joke." JB complimented him.

"They built this part of the house right over it." Kie spoke.

"She hid the bodies in there." JJ said and I shot him a look to shut up.

"We found water." Pope stated, shining the flashlight down it.

"We're gonna need a really big rope." JB said, and I gave him a small smile. We're one step closer to getting this gold.


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