Chapter 37

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A few hours and a new phone later I made my way to Kie's parents restaurant again to regroup with them. "Finally!" JJ remarked and I gave them all a glare.

"What took you so long?" Kie asked and annoyance rushed through me. Considering the fact that Rafe could have killed me if he wanted to it's a little shitty of them to rush me.

"I had to get a new phone because Rafe destroyed mine when he realized I was recording him." All three of them shared a worried look.

"Shit are you okay?" Kie asked and her demeanor changed from irritated to worried.

"He didn't touch me." I reassured them and watched as they all relaxed at this. As if they didn't send me into the lion's den. "He bought me a new phone anyway so I guess it's fine." All of their eyes widened at this.


"He bought you a new phone?" Pope asked, clearly both disgusted and confused.

"Well yeah, it's a pretty simple concept guys 'You break it you buy it' you know?" I brushed off their confusion but I can tell they aren't going to let it go.

"Hold on a minute." Kie stated, trying to comprehend this. "So you go in there, accuse the guy of being a murderer and to try to find the weapon he used to kill someone with, he breaks your phone then buys you a new one?" I nodded.

"As crazy as it sounds that's exactly what happened." I sat down on the dock next to JJ.

"So did you find out anything?" Pope asked and I shook my head no.

"The guns long gone. I searched everywhere in that house and Rafe confirmed it." I explained. "The pilot who flew the Cameron plane tossed it into the ocean somewhere on the way."

"So much for that." JJ huffed and I nodded in agreement.

"Maybe we're looking at this wrong." I suggested. "Instead of trying to pin it on Rafe, maybe we should pin it on Ward."

"Don't start with that." Pope groaned, and I shot him a look.

"I'm just saying we know Ward has done a lot more shady shit which could be easier to find evidence of."

"It doesn't matter what's easier." Kie argued. "Rafe killed her, he deserves to go to jail for it."

"I know but-"

"We're not framing Ward." Pope cut me off. "And if you're going to try to stand there and defend Rafe, you can leave."

"Pope-" JJ tried to step in.

"I'm not defending him you asshole!" I snapped, feeling my anger growing at how he's acting. I get it they hate Rafe for what he did but I'm the only one thinking logically here. "I'm pointing out that we have a better chance of catching Ward than we do Rafe."

"You're only saying that because you still love him." Pope hissed, and I rolled my eyes.

"You need to grow up and get over the fact that I never liked you like that!" He looked taken back by my words but more importantly, he looks pissed.

"Molly-" Kie walked over but I held my hand up to stop her.

"No Kie! If you guys want to live in fantasy land and pretend you have a shot at taking out Rafe that's fine but at least think logically."

"We are." Pope countered and I shook my head no.

"No you're not Pope. You're too blinded by jealousy and hatred-"

"I'm not!"

"Yes! You are!" I stormed over to him and got in his face. "Rafe is a foot soldier okay. He does what he's told to do by Ward. He acts impulsively, he doesn't think about what he's doing. Ward is the one who plans out their every move. You know why they haven't been caught yet?! Because Ward is always two steps ahead. Your only shot at getting to Rafe is taking out Ward first."

"She's right dude." JJ backed me up.

"Shut up JJ."

"No I mean think about it." He stood next to me. "Ward is the one who rushed to the station and made up that whole story about John B before he could even process what happened. He's the one who got rid of the gun, he's the one who managed to convince the police that two eye-witnesses were lying, not Rafe."

"So what do we do?" Kie asked me, and I took a breath, trying to both calm down and think. Then it came to me.

"We need to find Gavin."


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