Chapter 40

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Rafe's Pov

"Please leave your message for-"

"Yeah yeah yeah." I hung up and tossed my phone down onto the bed beside me. I've been calling Molly for hours and as usual l end up talking to her voicemail more than her. I opened up her contact and checked her location to see her moving back towards her house. I wonder where she was? She didn't know it but when she made me buy her a new phone I slipped the location on when she wasn't paying attention. It's after midnight now and even though I know she's obviously awake she'll pretend to be sleeping if I call her again.

I shook the thoughts from my head before I spiral and decided to just go to sleep. It didn't take long for me to drift off, but my sleep was short-lived when I heard a voice. "Rafe! Rafe!" I opened my eyes to see my dad standing there.


"I need your help with something son." | nodded, and got up, forcing the sleep from my eyes and followed him outside to see his pickup truck. "I need you to stay calm and quiet okay?"

"Yeah." Adrenaline started rushing through me as he pulled the tarp back to reveal a dead body and now I feel like I'm gonna throw up.

"What is that?" | asked, hoping that I'm just half-asleep and not seeing this right.

"It's a body son." He whispered and the adrenaline turned to panic.

"Oh my god." I stated, realizing that we're now in an even deeper mess. "Oh my god it's a-it's a body?! Whose body is that?!"

"It doesn't mater."

"It doesn't-What do you mean it doesn't matter?!" I can feel my breath hitching and I started breathing more raggedly but he stopped me.

"It's Gavin."

"The pilot?! What'd he do?"

"He kept the gun. He said you're a psychopath and he's not going to jail for you." He explained to me that he kept the gun he was supposed to throw over the ocean in order to get more money out of us. "Now will you please help me carry him to the boat?" I nodded, turning off my emotions and going into autopilot.


Molly's Pov

The next morning I woke up and looked at my phone to see texts from both Rafe and the Pogues. Basically from all their messages I gathered that the police didn't believe them which is not surprising. I decided not to answer Rafe just yet. Pope had texted me to meet them at the North drain which would lead to the gully where the sewers let out. I threw on a pair of old clothes, knowing most likely I'll be treading through marsh and made my way to them. "Alright so if it got pushed out the North drain it would have ended up-"

"Somewhere in the trash?" Pope asked, gesturing to the garbage floating in the murky water in front of us at the sewer outlet.


"Ugh, people who use plastic should be shot." Kie remarked and I rolled my eyes. It's not that simple to completely ditch plastic.

"Me personally, I love the stuff." JJ replied and I let out a laugh at him trying to get under her skin.

"Okay well hopefully you don't let it flush into the ocean and destroy stuff."

"I thought you would say that so...trash bags." Pope held up the bags.

"Did you just... proactively protect the environment?" She asked, and I looked between the two of them, noticing the obvious sexual tension here.

"You want us to leave you two alone or what's going on?" JJ taunted them and Pope threw the garbage bags at him.

"Just pick up the trash." JJ handed me a bag and the four of us dug the trash out of the water trying to see if the gun got caught in it.

About an hour went by and we filled six trash bags but didn't find the gun. "That was fun." JJ remarked and I sighed disappointed that we spent all that time here for nothing. "Aw did you break a nail?" He asked and I rolled my eyes at him.

"Shut up JJ."

"If it's not in the trash it's in the drain." Pope realized and all of us looked at the drain disgusted.

"Good thing we brought the crow." JJ whipped a crow bar out of his bag and him and Pope pried the gate off the drain.

"So are we doing like rock, paper, scissors or?" Kie asked them.

"No. You see in the sewer there's this like worm that gets in your blood stream and the only way to get it out is through your pecker." JJ told us, and I scrunched my nose in disgust. "So it's a no from me."

"Me too." Pope agreed, and Kie looked at me.

"Don't look at me, we wouldn't be here right now if you wouldn't have screamed murderer like a dumb ass." I love John B and Sarah but there's no way in hell I'm going in that thing.

"I get it you guys are scared." She huffed. They tried to argue that they aren't scared and then she went to go into the small opening.

"Just be careful." Pope told her.

"I'll be so careful." She replied mocking him, and now I'm confused. One minute they like each other and the next they don't? They're starting to act like me and Rafe.

"Just holler if you need anything, we'll uh-holler back." JJ said, as she crawled out of sight. I looked between them and noticed Pope looks kind of upset about her comment. A few minutes went by and we didn't hear anything so they yelled to her for an update but she hasn't found anything yet. "Alright bro I see you vibin' on Kie okay?" JU broke the silence and Pope looked kind of embarrassed. "Give me details are we talking first base, second base, third base?"

"Try not even in the same ballpark." Pope replied sadly. "It's like we're not even playing the same game. Like the other night she was all over me but she was wasted so it doesn't really count." JJ and I both looked at him kind of surprised he's opening up like this. "I tried to be edgy out-there Pope and she didn't like that. Then I tried to be straight-laced Pope and she didn't like that! So now I don't know what to do!"

JJ started rattling off dumb suggestions like playing guitar and lighting candles making me roll my eyes. "Just be Pope." I suggested and he scoffed.

"Clearly that never works." He stated, gesturing to me and I rolled my eyes again.

"Look no offense Pope but Rafe and I have been on and off for way too many years for you to break that cycle. Half the time I don't even know if we're together or not." JJ nodded at this knowing it's true. I dumped a lot of this relationship stuff on John B back when I would tutor him and since JJ was always around he got stuck listening to it too. "But if I wasn't involved in that you would be perfect just the way you are and I'm sure that's exactly how Kie feels too. If she likes you she likes you not some version of you you're trying to put on for her." He opened his mouth to respond but Kie's voice stopped us.

"Guys I think I found something!"

"You found it?!" Pope asked, and the adrenaline began coursing through me.

"YOU GUYS THERE'S SOMETHING DEAD IN HERE!" My eyes widened in shock.

"Like a person?!" I asked and she started screaming.

"Is it Gavin?!" Pope yelled.

"Kie is it a gun?! Do you see the gun?!"

"What if Ward put Gavin in the sewer dude?" Jj rambled but something else caught my attention.

"Do you guys hear that?" I could hear the sound of running water. Pope leaned in closer and his eyes widened.
"KIE GET OUT!" The water is on which means the sewer is getting flushed out and if she doesn't get out of here she's going to drown.

They started panicking and I stood up sprinting from the North drain towards the center of town by the Sheriff's department where the controls are for the sewers.

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Molly Wescott ~Rafe Cameron~Where stories live. Discover now