Until They Bleed - A Poem About Devotion to Music

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Fingers pressed deeply into
each and every key,
practicing for
hours and hours

Until they bleed.
The soundless piano weeps
for its rest and composure,
but none is given.

Music isn't music without
passion and grace.
Through stressful tears
and treacherous breathing.

I want to cry.
I want to stop.
But I have to keep going.
For my concerts and pride.

Right when I've heard enough,
memorized with ingrained tones,
melodies in my head,
I play one last time, the piece.

Hand, bruised and red
all over.
Forced to stop when it's
Twelve midnight.

Silence takes hold,
a single flashlight in the dark.
Head hazy but blank,
and finally...

Strained enough for them to stop,
my fingers wonder off to,

Turning around to walk away.

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