The Shaky Divergence

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.

At once, lights, at max power, switched on. All four of them backed together as they shone their lights over the area. It was silent around them with the exception of their quickened breathing, and they suspected that the creature heard their pounding hearts too. Deidre wanted to curl up next to her friends and just forget that they were in the current situation, which had morphed into the worse possible outcome. The twenty-two-year-old woman could hear Nick muttering to himself in a hushed, horrified tone. Everything he had assured himself of was crashing down around him, and she noted that he was having trouble staying calm for so long.

In the beginning of discovering that the creature was among them, he had managed to maintain his composure. At least from her perspective, he had, but she knew that memories of Cankerfell were beating down upon his mind. With her free hand, she reached over and squeezed his right upper arm to comfort him, but he didn't look back to her, which was understandable given that they had no idea where the creature was around them. The squeeze also helped settle her down even if it only was by a fraction.

"Where is he?" Chris muttered, anxiously. Her flashlight beam hovered around the area to their left, but the creature didn't fall into the light. In fact, none of their flashlights could pinpoint him yet.

"Everyone begin to move. You know which way," Nick ordered, his feet starting to guide him to his right and towards the platform. The other three followed his lead, and not one of them broke off from the formation. That was the case until rushing footsteps were heard. His right arm covered his eyes as his bare feet raced towards the four of them.

Ren saw the creature first. "Move!" he yelled. Everyone switched their attention to behind them. With little choice, they split apart as the creature bolted down the center of them. Chris and Ren jumped to their left while Nick and Deidre to their right. Groans could be heard from the four while the footsteps of the creature halted, and he seemingly vanished into the darkness again.

Before Nick could check on anyone, a scream echoed out through the tunnel. Nick's head shot to his left and towards where he had seen and heard Deidre land. Her flashlight was cast aside, and the creature lifted her up from the back of her shirt. Swiftly, he shone his flashlight at the creature, causing a harsh hiss to be emitted from him. Deidre was thrown forward, and her right hand grabbed her discarded flashlight in the process. She rolled before she managed to pick herself up.

Meanwhile, Nick noticed something even more terrifying about the creature before him. The black dress shirt was a first clue in since (f/n) never had mentioned the creature wearing such clothes, but the creature's hair was different too as was his facial structure. He looked taller as well, about six feet and four inches. All in all, he noted the creature before him was not the creature from before unless he had been able to afford major surgery and grew about three inches.

As his light stayed on the creature, Nick saw a sickening, malicious smirk form on the creature's lips. "Hello, Nick," he spoke in a voice far off from the other creature's. It was lower and filled with a sense of seeing someone for the first time. "You are Nick Calamiss, aren't you? I've been ..." The creature dodged a blow from behind as Ren swung his flashlight through the air and towards the being. An annoyed look crossed the creature's expression, and Chris pushed herself and Ren to the floor when the creature's left hand swept through the air. They tumbled down, and the creature scoffed before he glared. "Irritating. I don't want to talk to you two." His attention shifted back to Nick, and his very pale blue optics narrowed against the extreme light; he barely could stand it, and it hurt like a volcano exploding inside his flesh. "We'll talk later. For now ..."

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