The Sick Holding

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


"You certainly do know how to wake up quickly," the creature chuckled out, pure ill intent in every note of his laughter. His very pale blue optics landed on Deidre, who had awoken once more. Her head hurt more than the last time, and it took longer to adjust to the faint light in the space. "And, I think that you'll be happy to know that you have some more company." Even if her mind would rather shut back off and drift off into a dreamless sleep, her eyes snapped open at that, and she winced a bit at the light before she scanned over her surroundings. She didn't even look to the creature. Rather, her brown optics widened.

Next to her, Ren was seated. His wrists were tied in front of him rather than at the back of him like hers. The male's left ankle was wrapped poorly, and the fabric of the makeshift bandage was soaked in blood. Ren's legs, much like hers, weren't bound by the electrical cables. Her eyes traveled from him to Nick, who had his wrists tied above his head. Like (f/n), the cables were wrapped around pipes, but his feet barely were touching the ground. Chris never greeted her eyes, though, and she inwardly sighed in relief. She must still be out in the subway tunnels somewhere. Either that or she had escaped and was going to get them help. Whatever the case, she was happy that Chris still was free. At least, one of them might make it out of the subway alive, but the creature probably would go after her next unless he already had captured her and put her away some place where she couldn't be seen presently.

"What do you think? Are you happy?" he questioned, pushing on Nick hard. Nick swung back and forth a little, and the pipes above creaked, but they did no more than that. They looked to be somewhat sturdy despite the years of age. Deidre didn't say a word in response, but she had trouble not glaring at him. "Oh? No, then? Well, that's fine with me. I'm not particularly happy either."

His eyes scanned over all of them. "Having so many living humans in my home is obnoxious, but it's a onetime thing, and it'll be worth it." He walked around Nick before he stood right in front of the male as his back faced Deidre. The creature's right hand cupped Nick's face hard and squeezed, which caused Nick to groan in his sleep from the pain. Stepping aside a bit, Deidre noted the creature's iron grip on the male. It appeared that the creature was going to crush Nick's teeth, and she knew that he very well could. Her lips parted to yell at the creature, but he didn't increase his grip. Rather, he frowned before he remarked, "Maybe, I should cut out his tongue, but he might bleed to death that way if I'm not careful. Or, I could just gag him, but do I want to hear his screams for his friends?"

Deidre stared in horror, and she slid her wrists together in attempt to loosen the cables. The creature, though, caught sight of the slight movement, and he dropped his hand from the human male. "I would stop if I were you, or I might begin early." She froze, and he nodded in boredom. "Good. Now, I'll probably just gag him. I need him to live long enough to watch all of you suffer and die, and his screams might become too annoying by that point." He sighed in slight irritation. "And, it's too short to train him not to make so much noise. Even (f/n) still struggles with that one."

Stepping over to Deidre, he crouched in front of her and stared to her torso. She backed into the wall and tried to bring her legs up, but he rested his right hand on her thighs and pushed down harshly. Deidre had to give in and settle her legs back on the floor, or she risked him breaking the bones there. "I just need some fabric from you. I think that it'll be more effective than his own clothes. Or," his eyes shifted over to Ren, "I can take some from him." He raised his left hand.

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