The Needy Sneaking

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A/N: As usual, I would recommend putting the video on loop.


Since the graveyard, no one had left the house, and no news from the security guard reached their ears. Hopefully, she had thought herself to have gone crazy for a little bit that night. Nick ordered groceries online and had them brought to the front door. Ren and Chris worked for their investigation job online, though; after two full weeks had passed since the subway incident, Ren was able to give Deidre a break from helping everyone out around the house. Back on his feet, he aided Chris in getting what she needed and with other tasks that she had trouble with. Deidre began to focus on helping Nick run their investigation business, and they only accepted counseling and research jobs on the paranormal for the time being. Until (f/n)'s prior tormentor was permanently gone, they refused to take any assignments out of the home.

(F/n) understood the pressure that put on Nick and his team since they had to accept a lot more jobs to make up for the income lost in taking on assignments that required them to travel. Nick, though, still had his money from when he had escaped Cankerfell. She had her money left too, but she was presumed dead so it all went to her parents, and she didn't want her parents traveling back and forth to the bank to draw out money, especially when they weren't accepting funeral services at night anymore. There were only a few bank employees, and they'd notice the oddity of that occurrence probably.

Or, she might be being paranoid, but it meant that her parents had to leave the funeral home less often. They weren't in the heart of town, so her prior tormentor could strike at them easily on the road, and no one most likely would notice in time. Even if they did, most probably wouldn't help since they would be too shocked and terrified to do so.

Still when a whole month had transpired after the subway, she was getting irritated. She couldn't help them make money since even an online job would require some verification of identity, and she didn't have the resources to get a fake one, nor did she want to involve Nick and his team in that work. Asking Ether ... she would rather avoid that, not wanting to know what solution he would come up with if he even would agree to it in the first place. As for helping them with paranormal work, Ether didn't allow it since Nick was associated it with it, and he didn't want her helping him. It's his job. Let him worry about it. It'll only increase you seeing him again.

That was another problem. She couldn't freely move around the house even though she could walk again because she might see Nick. Ether didn't want her cleaning either or helping with housework since it might be too strenuous on her even though she could lift things as long as they were less than ten pounds. It was aggravating. All she could do was go between the bedroom and the bathroom. Food would be brought to her, and she sometimes would see Deidre. When that happened, she couldn't even really have a conversation with her because Ether was observing the whole thing as though he would kill Deidre if she said the wrong thing. Unfortunately, it wouldn't surprise her if he did.

At least, her bruises and some of her cuts were healed. It reduced how much Ether would glare at her. She knew that he was mad at her past tormentor, not her, but it unnerved her from time to time, especially when she woke up to him looking at her like that. The other benefit was that she was able to have more substantial meals. When Ether had given her a plate with a turkey sandwich and bowl of canned peaches on it, she had about moaned every other bite. At the time, she hadn't cared because the food tasted so incredible after so long of having horrid food and then soft food, like yoghurt. Thinking back on it, it had been embarrassing. Even more so given the amused smirk Ether had been wearing the whole time.

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