That redhead

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The 5 of us sit on the dock as the police roll a dead body in. The police investigate the man who found the body while we sit to the sidelines watching from afar.

"Who's that?" John B asks.

"That's Scooter Grubbs," some girl says who I don't care to learn her name.

As the name leaves her mouth I struggle to understand what's so familiar about him. I can hear my friends talking behind me as I look forwards at the body a few paces ahead of me. I stand up and take a few steps forward. I get a better look at the man's face and it hits me.

"You good Jade?" Kie asks putting her hand on my shoulder as the boys talk with that girl still.

"Holy shit" I breath out. I turn on my heel to look at the boys as it all comes back to me. "I was literally just with Scooter Grubbs. Like mere hours ago. We were prepping for the storm, he was with me and Sarah on the druthers-"

The girl cuts me off "somehow that dirt bag managed to get a brand new Grady white."

We all share a glance, all of us thinking the same thing. His Grady white is the boat we found sunk. It was his room that we broke into. She shows us her phone and shows us his mutated dead body. I look away in respect and pure disgust.

I turn to John B who has a similar expression on his face. "Yo I gotta go home. I haven't been over there since the storm and I gotta check in eventually"

"Alright I'll drive you over there" the brunet says.

"Good I've gotta have a word with father dearest about scooter," I say leaning onto a beam.

"You think ward had something to do with this?" Jj asks.

"Oh 100%. He may be my dad but he is very shady. I don't think Scooter was just storm prepping at my house."

"Okay" they all unanimously say.


As we pull up to my house I suddenly feel sick. I don't wanna go back into that house where I'm practically invisible. I step out of the Twinkie and slowly make my way to the door. I hear the Twinkie peel out of the driveway and watch as my friends wave me goodbye.

I walk up to the front porch and put my hand steadily on the handle holding it for a second before walking in.

I walk in taking in the house around me. I honestly hate it here but I'm legally sworn here till I'm 18. That wouldn't change anything though. I could just disappear and they would even notice. Maybe Sarah but not my dad, maybe Rafe.

I walk up to my room and take in my poorly kept room. Clothes throw carelessly into a pile in the corner. My makeup everywhere on my desk. I start to clean up my clothes first trying to stall out cleaning my desk.

I make my bed, clean my bathroom, and even take a shower. But eventually I had to clean it. I pull the trash can out from the bathroom and start to throw away used makeup wipes.

I run into the bathroom to get the Clorox wipes. I trow my hair into a bun, with the wipes in between my legs, before I exit the bathroom. I turn off the light and see my dad round a corner of our house.

"Jade!" I turn on my heel to see my dad with a smile on his face. Odd.

"Yeah?" I say brushing some of the stray hairs out away from my face.

"Your finally out of your room I see," he says.

"Yeah..." I say turning around making my way back to my room trying not to let his words get to me. How he thought I was just in my room for almost 2 days is beyond me. Like I said I could just disappear and they wouldn't even know.

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