Burly men

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When I walk out side I'm met with a cool breeze. I see John B in the distance on the druthers. I assume he's just dropping off the scuba gear. I hear a thud, of course it's JJ. He's climbing down the tree by my window and making his way over to where I'm standing.

"Do you wanna go fuck with him?" I ask looking over to JJ before looking out to the HMS making its way into the marsh.

"Is that even a question?" He replies and as I look over to him he's already looking at me with a shit eating grin and I can't help but smile.


After arriving to John Bs house me and JJ sat in my car for a minute to make sure that John B was settled in before creeping to his front porch. JJ goes to the door as I peek inside the window to see a fast asleep John B on the couch.

I look over to JJ and point to the window mouthing 'he's asleep right here.' The blond nods and he bangs on the door yelling 'CPS'. As that happens I back away from the window leaning on the wall on the other side of the door, farthest from the window. JJ jumps in front of the window causing John B to jump and me and JJ burst out laughing.

"You should have seen your face," the blond says between laughs, gasping for air.

"It was like-" I say as I recreate the brunets horrified look that he held seconds ago.

"Ha ha very funny," John B replies sarcastically.

Me and JJ make our way into the château as John B sits up in the make shift bed on the couch. I walk into the kitchen and get me and JJ a beer as John B wakes up. I crack open the Luke warm beverage and let the liquid pour down my throat tingling on the way down. After a while liquor doesn't burn. It just tingles, like when you hit your funny bone, it hurts but doesn't, it just feels funny for a minute.

"So what do you wanna do.." JJ says breaking the silence.

"I was actually planning on talking to miss Lana about my dad compass," John B says as he stretches his arms.

"Well sounds like a plan," I say standing up, ditching my half finished beer.

We all tumble into the van and start making our way to mrs.Lana's house.


As we pull into Mrs.Lana's house it's very obvious that the house is on the cut. Her yard is a wreck and the paint is chipping off of the outer walls and I wouldn't be too surprised if the inside looks similar.

"You know what this house looks like?" Jj asks "whoever lives here smokes too much weed."

"Great observation," I sarcastically say "not like her husband just died or anything."

Did I mention that Scooter Grubbs was Mrs. Lana's husband? You know the owner of the mystery boat we found John Bs dads compass on. Yeah, freaky.

As we approach the worn down house crashing and yelling can be heard. Like you know when your a kid and you smash random shit you find while playing outside. Just imagine that but by grown adults.

"Maybe we should come back.." JJ says hesitantly.

"No no no shut up shut up JJ" John B rushes out.

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