Independent Variables

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I find myself in the Twinkie driving somewhere. Our final destination was once again never disclosed with me. John Bs obviously driving and Kie's next to him talking about the compass. JJ and Pope sit diagonally from each other and I sit with my back against Kie's seat next to the door.

Kie and John B are talking back and forth about a family heirloom and a secret message. I think everybody was just listening in to the conversation to be honest. I just sit there spacing out. Thinking about poor Mrs.Lana still. I dont know why I feel so bad. I just wish there was something I could do for her.

"You should really stop doing that," JJ leans in and whispers to me. Making sure to leave John B, Kie, and Pope to their conversation.

"Doing what?" I question looking into his piercing blue eyes.

"Your thumbs, they look like they've been though a meat grinder," the blond says pointing to my thumbs.

Turns out while I was in my train of thought I was subconsciously picking at my thumbs. Blood flooded my left thumb. Pooling in my cuticle. To be fair JJ was right. It looks like my thumb had been through a meat grinder. I quickly and swiftly put my thumb in my mouth and the taste of metal floods my mouth.

I pop my thumb free and wave my now clean thumb in front of JJ. "Happy?" I sarcastically smile. He just rolls his eyes and sits back up straight. I guess it wasn't has funny as I thought it would be. But just as heat began to creep its way on the may face making me ears burning hot. A smile instead creeps up onto JJ's face. Soon my face matches his.

Just like many times before, all four of my friends are arguing. But calmly. Like their voices are soft but hard at the same time.

"Look my dad is missing okay?" John B finally blurts out. The brunette looks around the Twinkie meeting somber eyes from everyone.

"John B-" I manage to get out before he interrupts me.

"Missing. You don't know what's it's like to have the person closest to you vanish and then have no idea what happened. Just wake up every morning wondering."

"It's been almost a year," Kie says somberly.

"Hey he could have been kidnapped. That's definitely a possibility," JJ says to try and lighten the mood.

"JJ, no just no," I say look at him with a stern glare.

"Yeah, could be in a Soviet sub getting interrogated by the KGB somewhere," Pope speaks up.

"Pope seriously?! I thought you were supposed to be the smart one," I say twisting my head around so fast  I  thought I might of had whip lash.

"Absolutely. Uh... or Atlantis," JJ responds.

"Oh, my god. I give up," I say throwing my hands up in despair as they land in my lap.

"Look, what do you think the message is?" Kie speaks softly to John B trying to do the opposite of what Pope and JJ were just doing.

"Yeah what Kie said, I don't even know where we're going," I speak up Turing my attention to the front of the car.

"Redfeild," John B says plainly in a monotone voice.

"Wait like the light house?" I say now sitting on my knees arms on the center console.

"Yeah. Redfeild light house. My dad's favorite place."


Once we arrive at said light house we all spill out of the Twinkie. I'm the first out because, well I was right by the door. I walk out and look up at the light house. Soon all the foot steps around me stop moving and we all just marvel at the light house.

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