Chapter 2

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Emery Rose

I'm going to murder him.

For the past two hours, my thumbs had become marathon runners, sprinting across the keyboard to send a flurry of texts into the void. The silence that greeted me was a cruel reminder that Justin had chosen not to answer. Once again.

With a huff of annoyance, I glared at my phone, half expecting it to miraculously yield a reply from my stupid boyfriend that seemed to be lost in a black hole of unanswered text messages. But as I toggled the screen on and off, the empty inbox stared back at me mockingly, offering no solace or explanation for Justin's absence.

Resolute in my decision, I set a countdown in my mind—if he didn't respond within the next five minutes, I would follow through on my threat to replace his picture on my lock screen with that of my faithful orange cat, Joey.

I bet Joey wouldn't leave me hanging like this.

As I stood outside the cafeteria waiting for Justin to pick me up as he promised, my body shivered when a cold breeze hits me and I immediately pulled the sleeves of my pink jacket down to my hands, seeking a little bit of warmth.

I leaned against the wall with my gazed upwards, my eyes looking at the sky. The weather, which had been radiant just an hour ago, had taken a sharp turn. Dark clouds gathered overhead, casting shadows on the once sunny streets.

With a tired yawn escaping my lips, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief that my shift at Ella's place had finally come to an end. Don't get me wrong, I truly adored working there—the hustle and bustle of the café, the satisfaction of serving delicious food, and the interactions with friendly customers all brought me joy. But there were moments when the entitled attitudes of certain patrons tested my patience and resilience, leaving me exhausted both mentally and physically.

I almost threw a plate at a Karen that yelled at me because her milkshake was too cold for her sensitive teeth.

Despite the Karens, there was a certain satisfaction in serving up a perfect cup of coffee and the steady flow of regular customers often brightened the long hours on my feet. However, today had been particularly draining, and I was yearning for the comfort of my home, take a shower and get ready to go out with Justin who I love dearly...

But with every passing minute, my love for Justin transforms into an overwhelming urge to grab him by the throat and kill him for his silence.

There was still no sign of him and my mind started to imagined all the possibilities why he isn't answering: Did he fell asleep after his football practice? Had he lost his phone? Was he abducted by aliens? Or worse, did he forgot about me and is out with his friends?

Deep down, I knew it was because he was with his teammates. I knew his patterns, the way he got swept up in the moment, forgetting about the plans we had made.

Justin has a tendency to choose his teammates over me, leaving me feeling unimportant and leading us into an argument. It's like I become invisible in his mind whenever his friends were around..

I understand that he has a life outside of our romance, but there's moments I feel neglected and lonely in the relationship. Justin would occasionally disappeared, not answering his phone for hours, or he would make plans with me and then cancel last minute to hang out with his friends...

He promised he wouldn't leave me hanging n this particular day.

I was anticipating this date for weeks now, excited to go on this beautiful Italian restaurant where he asked me to be his girlfriend 6 months ago. I can still remember how nervous he was that night, his eyes filled with hope and love... I just couldn't understand this shift on Justin's behavior.

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