Chapter 14

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Grayson Lockhart

As Emery's arms wrapped around me, my heart surged with a sudden rush of emotion, its rhythm quickening in my chest.

The unexpectedness of her embrace caught me off guard, sending a jolt of surprise coursing through my veins.

In that moment, enveloped in her warmth, I felt a myriad of sensations collide within me. Confusion mingled with gratitude, uncertainty intertwined with a sense of comfort.

As she hugs me tightly, the weight of her sorrow seemed to crush the very air from my lungs. Yet, I reciprocated the hug, gently cradling her head in my hands and running my fingers through her hair.

Her tear-streaked face betrayed the depth of her anguish. Mascara streaked down her flushed cheeks, her nose red from incessant weeping, and her body trembling.

Despite her distressed state, she exuded an ethereal beauty that captivated me, as always. Her attire, a short, form-fitting dress, left little to the imagination, yet my concern for her well-being overshadowed any fleeting thoughts of desire. Thats why I draped my coat over her delicate frame, seeking to shield her from the chill of the night air.

"Let's go" I murmured softly, my voice barely above a whisper as I guided her towards my jeep.

With each tentative step, I felt the weight of my weakness pressing down upon me, a reminder of the boundaries I was crossing. And yet, despite the inner turmoil, I couldn't deny the truth that lay within my heart – I was weak for her.

I couldn't let her wander the cold streets alone. Protecting her from harm was primal, but I also burned with a fierce desire to uncover the source of her tears.

Assisting her into the passenger seat, I fastened her seatbelt, my proximity affording me a closer view of her tear-stained face. Her eyes glazed with a mixture of pain and intoxication. The scent of alcohol lingered in the air, confirming my suspicions.

Remembering Emery's strong aversion to alcohol, shaped by past trauma, heightened my concern. It seemed unthinkable that she would willingly intoxicate herself after all she had been through.

The weight of realization settled upon me like a burden too heavy to bear. Emery hadn't chosen this willingly; im pretty sure of that.

The thought of someone forcing her into this state ignited a fierce anger within me. How could someone do this to her, knowing the pain she had already endured?

With a heavy sigh, I pulled back, closing the door and retreating to the driver's side. As I settled behind the wheel, the silence of the car enveloped us.

Glancing at Emery, I noticed her settling into my seat. She kicked off her shoes and propped them up on the seat. She hugged herself with my coat, the fabric offering a semblance of comfort amidst the turmoil.

With delicate movements, she tucked her long hair behind her ears, her gaze fixed upon me with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat.

In that moment, as I studied her features, I couldn't help but be struck by her beauty once again. But amidst the admiration, a simmering anger bubbled within me. The thought of Emery walking alone once again, especially at night, ignited a fire of protective instinct within me.

The world was a dangerous place, and the idea of her vulnerable form exposed to potential harm filled me with a profound sense of dread.

"Are you okay?" I asked, my voice laced with genuine concern.

She nods "I need to pee"

Her response was simple yet unexpected. With a nod, I acknowledged her request, my foot pressing gently on the accelerator as I navigated the familiar streets towards her house. Tonight was meant to be like any other, a routine trip to the boxing gym, but seeing Emery walking alone at night had shifted my plans in an instant.

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