Chapter 16

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Emery Rose

I waved at Olivia, who had kindly driven me home after work, and made my way towards the front porch. Memories from last night came rushing back to me like a flood once again, causing my heart to swell with conflicting emotions. I couldn't shake the image of Grayson's kindness from my mind. He had been so sweet, so caring, so unlike the distant and cold persona he usually displayed towards me.

Last night he had surprised me, putting on my shoes, holding me tightly as I cried in his arms- moments of vulnerability I hadn't shared with anyone else.

In those fleeting moments, he didn't seem like the guy who hated me; he seemed like someone who cared.

But now, in the harsh light of day, I couldn't help but feel the weight of his absence. The warmth I had felt in his presence seemed to vanish as quickly as it had appeared, leaving me feeling confused. Shaking my head to clear my thoughts, I finally reached my house and stepped inside, determined to push Grayson from my mind.

The familiar scent of home enveloped me like a warm blanket, instantly easing the tension in my shoulders.

As I hung up my coat on the coatrack, my gaze instinctively fell upon Grayson's coat hanging next to mine. It was a silent testament to the events of last night, a reminder of the unexpected warmth and sweetness he had shown me. But along with the memories came a flood of conflicting emotions, swirling within me like a storm.

Taking a step back, I allowed myself a moment to simply stand and stare at the coat, lost in thought. I couldn't quite explain the mix of feelings that surged through me at the sight of it...

Stop thinking about him!

"Hey carrot" my dad's voice suddenly greeted me from behind, causing me to yelp in surprise and jump about a foot in the air, nearly knocking over the coatrack in the process.

"Hi" I exclaimed, my heart lifting at the sight of him. It wasn't often that I saw him these days, and I missed the times when he was always around the house, ready to talk for hours or watch movies together.

Ever since Amelia died, it felt like both of my parents had thrown themselves into work, trying to bury their grief and forget about everything. But in the process, they had also seemed to forget about me, leaving me feeling like a ghost haunting the empty halls of our once lively home.

I hugged my dad tightly, a smile spreading across my face as I felt like a little kid again. He chuckled warmly, his arms wrapping around me in a comforting embrace that felt like coming home after a long journey.

""Someone missed me," he teased, pulling me into a tight hug.

I chuckled, unable to resist his playful banter. "Guilty as charged," I admitted, squeezing him back just as tightly "You have your day off?" I asked eagerly, a glimmer of hope in my eyes as I hoped for a chance to spend some quality time together.

"Yes," he confirmed with a nod, his expression softening with genuine interest in my plans.

I hesitated for a moment, feeling a pang of guilt for having made plans that didn't include him "I have a date with Justin so I've got to get ready, but when I get home, can we watch a movie?" I asked, hoping to make up for lost time and share a moment of connection with my dad.

"Of course, kiddo" he replied without hesitation, his tone reassuring. "And where is he taking you?" he inquired, a hint of curiosity coloring his words.

"The Italian restaurant that you like. We should go there too, you know? As a family. Maybe next week!" I suggested

There was a brief pause, and I could see the sadness flicker across my dad's features as he considered my suggestion. "Yeah... someday" he replied softly, his voice tinged with regret.

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