Chapter 11

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Grayson Lockhart

This is becoming increasingly unbearable.

Yesterday had been particularly difficult. I had nearly ended the tutoring session altogether.

Being too close to Emery was driving me crazy, and her remark about me always being a jerk had pushed me to the brink. I had been on the verge of walking away, no longer willing to help her with math.

But just as I was about to call it quits, she looked at me with those big brown eyes. Her gaze softened and In that moment, I could see the regret and fear written across her face.

She was scared that I would end our sessions, leaving her without the help she needed and jeopardizing her place on the cheerleading squad.

Despite my frustration and the turmoil swirling inside me, I couldn't bring myself to abandon her when she needed me.

I couldn't do it. I couldn't leave her again.

But every moment spent in close proximity to Emery felt like torture, a constant reminder of the feelings I tried so desperately to bury.

Like right now.

As she sat beside me, her vanilla perfume enveloping me in its sweet embrace, I couldn't help but feel a wave of longing wash over me. Her presence was intoxicating, her every movement like poetry in motion.

I watched as she furrowed her brow in concentration, her lips grazing against each other as she bit down gently, a habit that sent my heart racing.

With a graceful flick of her hand, she tucked a stray strand of hair behind her ear, the simple gesture causing my breath to catch in my throat.

My god, she's beautiful.

My eyes lingering on her features as if trying to capture every detail. But it wasn't just her physical appearance that captivated me—it was the way she laughed, the way she cared for others, the way she lit up a room with her presence.

Emery's rapid rise to popularity was no surprise. Her infectious charm and genuine kindness made her a magnet for attention. Despite her newfound status, she remained true to herself, spreading joy wherever she went.

She didn't know the happiness she brought me when we were best friends, nor did she know the pain of my decision to step back.

It's for the best, I reminded myself.

I tore my gaze away from her as my jaw clenched so tight it hurt, seeking solace in the distraction of the world outside the window. Anything to keep from succumbing to the overwhelming emotions swirling inside me.

She doesn't know what she does to me, how she holds the power to unravel me with just a smile.

"What? Am I doing it wrong?" Her soft voice cut through the silence, pulling me back to reality. Her focus solely on the math problem at hand.

I turned to face her, forcing a neutral expression onto my face as I met her questioning gaze. She looked genuinely concerned, her brows knitted together in confusion.

"No, you're doing it right" I replied, my voice coming out steadier than I expected.

Inside, my heart was a mess, but I couldn't let her see that. I couldn't let her know the truth of what lay beneath the surface.

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