Chapter 3

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Emery Rose

As I walked alone, the town Gracefield growing darker and colder, I found myself battling back tears, my heart heavy with a familiar disappointment.

A shiver ran through me, and the chilly air seemed to seep into my bones. I hugged myself, trying to retain whatever warmth I could, but that wasn't enough.

I regret putting a black mini skirt, coatless, to show off my outfit. The morning's fashion choice now left me shivering with every step. My mom's warnings about the freezing weather were dismissed with a shrug.

It won't be that cold, mom. Famous last words.

Welp, perhaps, my mom knew a thing or two about the weather. But in my defense, my boyfriend promised he would be there to pick me up after work—a promise that, like the absent coat, had been left hanging in the frosty air.

I divert my attention to the quiet street unfolding before me, trying to think about something else and ignore the fact that im freezing to death.

I usually get scared walking home alone, especially when is getting dark, but the Christmas lights that adorned the town square became beacons of comfort, guiding my way home.

The emptiness of the town square, usually bustling with activity, made the twinkling lights even more pronounced. The quaint shops stood adorned with colorful lights and bows. The air was filled with the sweet scent of cinnamon, a fragrant reminder that Christmas was just around the corner. It was tranquil. Peaceful.

A soft smile found its way to my lips as I immersed myself in the beauty around me. I remembered when my parents used to bring Amelia and me here every year to see the Christmas lights and eat ice cream.

Amelia and I would walk hand in hand with our parents, our eyes wide with wonder at the dazzling lights and we couldn't stop smiling and laughing. It was our favorite thing to do. Those evenings were magical...

A pang of longing accompanied the fond memories.

It had been four years since Amelia left us, and the tradition of those enchanting evenings had faded away with her absence.

"Come on, Amelia, admit it! You're going to miss me terribly when you go off to college," I teased, a mischievous grin playing on my lips as I keep poking her shoulder.

She laughs and slaps my hand away "Miss you? Pleaseee, I'll be living my best life without your constant nagging"

I rolled my eyes and thought about throwing my chocolate ice cream at her face but it's too delicious. HA! My intrusive thoughts didn't wn this time.

After a while of just eating ice cream and watching the Christmas lights, I cleared my throat before speaking again"But seriously, do you realize this might be the last year we watch the Christmas lights together before you head off to college?" My voice caught, a subtle tremor betraying the struggle to hold back the emotions.

Amelia teary eyes met mine "Don't worry, I'll always be a phone call away. No matter where I am, we'll still share those moments, even if we're miles apart." She promised.

I need that phone call, Amelia.

I couldn't escape the haunting question that gnawed at my conscience – why did I survive while Amelia did not?

The car crash that claimed Amelia's life had become an indelible stain on the canvas of my existence. The traditions that once defined our family's holiday season had crumbled, and it was all my fault.

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