Chapter 6: Building a Top-tier Safe House

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A smile appeared on Chen Xiong's face.

"That's good. Our interest rate is 4 percent. If you borrow 5 million, you'll have to pay back 7 million when the time comes. So, you need to provide a promissory note for 7 million," he explained. "Additionally, you must have valuable assets for collateral. Houses, factories, cars – anything will do."

Pretending to hesitate, Zhang Yi bit the bullet and produced the property deed from his pocket. It was the one he had used for the bank loan, conveniently on him.

"My house is worth over 5 million, and I'll mortgage it to you. I also have a 300,000 Benz; you can take it if I can't repay," Zhang Yi stated confidently.

Chen Xiong, relieved after confirming the information about Zhang Yi's property, thought he hit the jackpot. With the current market value, the house alone could be sold for at least 5.5 million.

However, he pretended to be dissatisfied, "Mr. Zhang, your house is worth at most 4 to 5 million. Wanting 5 million from me, I'm at a loss!"

Zhang Yi feigned shock and desperation, "Chen, you have to help me. I urgently need the money."

"Alright, if you transfer the money today, I can settle for 4.5 million," Chen Xiong said, exchanging a glance with Hu Minghua. They both had a mocking look in their eyes.

This was a classic case of taking advantage of someone in a desperate situation. The more desperate the person, the harsher the exploitation.

"No, no, this deal doesn't make sense. Let's settle for 4 million," they bargained and eventually agreed on 4 million.

However, Zhang Yi insisted that the money must be in his account by the end of the day. Despite being unscrupulous, the loan company operated efficiently, perhaps the only advantage they had over traditional banks.

After signing the contract, Zhang Yi quickly received 4 million in cash in his account. He chuckled inwardly – for Chen Xiong, it was like giving away free money.

Leaving the loan company with a pocketful of cash, Zhang Yi glanced back at the office building with a faint trace of mockery.

"They are such good people, giving away money for free."

From now on, there would be no more interactions between Zhang Yi and Chen Xiong and Hu Minghua. More likely than not, they would meet their end during the upcoming end-of-month cold wave.

Now, Zhang Yi had around 9 million in hand, more than enough to implement his plan. He could prepay for any goods he needed, granting him a purchasing power of tens of millions.

However, he decided not to accumulate more money; otherwise, he wouldn't mind taking advantage of various online loan platforms.

Driving to the famous Dragon War Security Company in Tianhai City, Zhang Yi had a specific purpose in mind.

Dragon War was one of the largest security companies in China, specializing in providing security services for the wealthy and celebrities. Sometimes, even high-ranking officials sought their assistance.

Zhang Yi chose them because, in his past life, he had heard about Dragon War constructing a billion-dollar top-tier safe house for a wealthy young man in Jiangnan Province during the apocalypse.

Arriving at the Dragon War Company, Zhang Yi explained his purpose at the front desk. Soon, someone from the business department guided him to a lounge.

A well-built man with a buzz cut, wearing a black suit that seemed on the verge of bursting, entered the room. He exuded an aura that made people subconsciously feel safe.

"Hello, I'm Wu Huai Ren, the manager of the business department. What can we do for you?" he asked, sitting down beside Zhang Yi.

Having a sip of freshly brewed coffee, Zhang Yi said, "I need you to build a safe house for me. The kind that can withstand a world-ending catastrophe."

Wu Huai Ren's expression turned serious at Zhang Yi's words.

For most people, this request would sound ridiculous because nobody believed in an apocalypse. However, for Dragon War Company, it wasn't a joke.

Many billionaires worldwide had spent hundreds of millions constructing doomsday shelters. Some genuinely feared large-scale natural disasters, while others simply sought an extra layer of security due to numerous enemies.

Hearing Zhang Yi's request, Wu Huai Ren became more polite.

"Mr. Zhang, we are one of the world's top security companies. Your request is something we can undoubtedly fulfill."

Zhang Yi continued, "If I ask you to transform an entire building on the 24th floor, can you do it?"

Wu Huai Ren looked a bit puzzled. Typically, safe houses were standalone villas or underground bunkers. Building one in an apartment was unusual.

Nevertheless, Dragon War was willing to meet the customer's demands. Wu Huai Ren smiled confidently, "Certainly, there's no problem. We are a top-tier security company, and we have the technology to meet your requirements."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi had made up his mind.

He chose to transform his own house into a safe house. He wanted to witness the people who had harmed him meet their demise.

Wu Huai Ren took out a tablet and handed it to Zhang Yi.

"Our services are customized. You can choose the specific services you need and view the corresponding prices."

In the age of information, communication was convenient. Zhang Yi took the tablet and began to carefully select the services he required.

A professional company like Dragon War could provide almost any service as long as the client paid enough. This included building safe houses both a hundred meters underground and underwater.

However, these projects would take too much time, something Zhang Yi couldn't afford.

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