Chapter 60: Rewarding Chen Zhenghao

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Outside the window, the continuous cries of pleading were heart-wrenching. The women, with bleeding foreheads from kowtowing too hard, looked extremely miserable.

Sighing, Zhang Yi walked to the window and said, "Don't be like this, it pains me to see you like this!"

As he spoke, he raised the steaming bowl of noodles in his hand. "Whenever I feel upset, I just want to eat something."


Zhang Yi slurped the noodles loudly, making the neighbors salivate, unable to hide their longing. The cries grew louder, and the head-banging intensified.

"Zhang Yi, we were wrong. We just want to survive!"

"Please, just give us some food, let us live like dogs."

"In the future, we'll do whatever you say, please!"

Zhang Yi continued to eat his noodles with his head lowered. Eating heartily when hungry is a great blessing. After finishing half a bowl, he casually placed the leftovers in front of the French window.

In the eyes of the neighbors, just a window away, they could see it but couldn't reach it. Everyone pressed their faces against the glass, as if that would allow them to taste the noodles.

"Don't blame me for not giving you a chance. Whoever goes and brings me Chen Zhenghao's head, I'll give him these noodles for a week, enough to eat until satisfied!"

Of course, Zhang Yi wouldn't pity these people. They had been annoyingly trying to break into his house every day. It was better to let them fight among themselves.

When Zhang Yi said this, he also posted it in the group chat, informing everyone in the entire building. The neighbors in front of the glass window hesitated when they heard this.

Chen Zhenghao had guns, and trying to take his head might cost them their own. But could they handle Zhang Yi, even after the losses of this battle? Around forty people lay dead, proof that breaking into Zhang Yi's house was no easy task.

At this moment, Chen Zhenghao observed the changes from the adjacent balcony. He didn't hear what Zhang Yi said, but his furrowed brows showed he was contemplating the next move. Two of his men had died this time, and if he wanted to continue controlling the entire building, he needed to replenish his manpower.

Suddenly, Chen Zhenghao felt a piercing sensation on his back, like needles. He turned around, raising the gun in his hand, only to find everyone looking at him strangely, with eyes that seemed more like those fixated on food than a person.

"What are you all doing?"

People gazed at him with a strange and even eerie look. It didn't seem like they were looking at a person but rather at something to devour.

"What do you want?"

Seeing the gun, some people retreated, wary. "Get out of the way!"

Chen Zhenghao roared. Even with the gun, everyone's gaze was still strange, even somewhat supernatural. It was not like they were looking at a person but more like food.

Chen Zhenghao felt a chill down his spine, quickly taking a few steps back. "Wait, what about Zhang Yi's house?"

Sun Zhichao asked on the side, and Chen Zhenghao cursed, "Damn it, can't break in, what else can we do? Let's figure it out later!"

After cursing, he left in a huff. The people in front of Zhang Yi's window, whether they were begging for mercy or trying to break the window, couldn't withstand the bone-chilling wind and snow, and they gradually left as well.

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