Chapter 150: The Formidable Power of Spatial Ability

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Upon hearing Zhang Yi's words, the man still felt a bit scared deep inside. However, now he couldn't run away and could only follow Zhang Yi's commands. He waved the fake knife in his hand and swung it towards Zhang Yi.

Zhang Yi's expression was extremely focused. When the man charged at him, a flash of white light appeared in his right eye. After a month of practice, he had developed an instinct for opening and closing the dimensional space.

In an instant, an intangible dimensional gate appeared in front of him. The man charged with the fake knife, aiming for Zhang Yi's shoulder with his right hand.

But the next moment, something horrifying happened. His arm seemed to disappear into thin air in front of Zhang Yi, as if entering a world invisible to the naked eye.

In terror, he desperately tried to stop his advancing figure. Zhang Yi timely grabbed his arm and forcefully pulled him into the dimensional space.

The man vanished into the dimensional space. Zhang Yi's perspective instantly switched to the inside of the dimensional space, carefully observing the person he had just brought in.

The man was in a state of stillness, completely motionless. Even when Zhang Yi tested his breath and heartbeat, there was no response. Zhang Yi furrowed his brow, unsure if the person died upon entering the space or if time within the body stopped, reviving upon leaving the space.

So, he quickly released the person from the dimensional space. As soon as he came out, the man's face turned pallid, and he collapsed on the ground, gasping for air.

"Oh? It seems there's an impact on living organisms. If it lasts long enough, they might actually die!" Zhang Yi nodded, gaining crucial information. "What did you feel just now?" he asked the man.

The man, pale and weak, said, "I felt like I entered a vast white world. There were piles of supplies like mountains inside."

"I felt like I spent a century there, which was terrifying! Maybe it was just an illusion I had."

Zhang Yi's pupils contracted. It turned out that when a person enters the dimensional space, their body may be in a state of stillness, but consciousness still exists. In other words, time in the dimensional space is not absolutely still; it's probably much slower than the outside world.

This experience must be extremely painful, even making one want to die!

"So, if a living organism stays in the dimensional space for too long, will they die due to mental breakdown? Interesting!" Zhang Yi gained more insight into the dimensional space.

He beckoned to the man, "You, stand up!"

The man stood up shakily. Zhang Yi opened the dimensional space and attempted to bring him in again. However, this time, it felt extremely difficult, as if moving a tall building.

"Does it not work for large living organisms? Or is it..."

Zhang Yi frowned, approached the man, and drew a dagger from his leg. Before the man could react, a snowy white flash passed, and two of his fingers were cut off.


The man fell to the ground, holding his wounded hand and groaning. Zhang Yi's expression remained unchanged as he successfully collected the severed fingers without any hindrance.

"Living beings won't work, but severed fingers can. What kind of logic is this?" Zhang Yi returned the fingers to him, showing even more curiosity about his dimensional space.

However, he had collected a wealth of useful information by now. Watching the man on the ground, suffering and groaning, Zhang Yi thought for a moment and took out a plate of roasted chicken from the dimensional space, placing it in front of him.

"Eat. Consider it compensation for your troubles."

Then, he gave him a roll of gauze to bandage himself. The man, in pain and almost fainting, still had a fiery look in his eyes when he saw the steaming roasted chicken. He was too hungry; he even gnawed on his genuine leather sofa at home.

Now, in front of him, it was roasted chicken!

Ignoring the pain in his fingers, he tearfully and eagerly devoured the chicken.

Zhang Yi was in no hurry, sitting by the bonfire, flicking the flames with a table leg. When the man finished the chicken, Zhang Yi said, "Next, we continue. This time, use something to hit me."

The man not only harbored no resentment towards Zhang Yi but was instead full of gratitude. He quickly nodded, simplemindedly bandaged his wounds, and continued to cooperate with Zhang Yi in the experiment.

After a few hours, Zhang Yi obtained the experimental data he desired, gaining a better understanding of the spatial ability.

Firstly, there were limitations to collecting materials. Currently, it seemed impossible to collect external objects with strong forces acting on them, and it was ineffective against living people.

Secondly, when using the ability, it could open a gateway connecting the current world and the dimensional space. Although he hadn't figured out an active attack method, he could redirect physical attacks by altering the vector direction.

Knowing these two points was equivalent to discovering a huge treasure for Zhang Yi.

"Next, I know how to deal with Wang Siming's sanctuary."

Zhang Yi's last trace of worry was completely dispelled. He looked at the man helping him in the experiment sincerely and said, "Thank you for your help."

Before the man could respond, Zhang Yi's dagger swiftly crossed his throat.


Blood splattered, and he fell to the ground. In the fleeting moment before death, fear flashed in his eyes, followed by relief.

Finally, he could escape this cruel world.

At least, he died after enjoying a delicious meal of roasted chicken.

In the next two days, Zhang Yi had to extract one person daily to accompany him in the experiments, practicing his proficiency with the new skill.

He must ensure that he could use the ability effortlessly, guaranteeing his safety in the upcoming actions.

Every person who practiced with him was treated to a full meal before being killed because this ability was his trump card, and its existence must not be revealed.

Thus, three days quickly passed. Zhang Yi had mastered the use of the skill and called Xu Hao, saying, "We can go now!"

Xu Hao had aged considerably in these few days. Although he wasn't poisoned, his face turned green, lips purple, and dark circles appeared. This was due to strong self-suggestion causing symptoms of poisoning.

"Brother Zhang, I... I feel like I'm about to die."

Zhang Yi inwardly chuckled. He had provided Xu Hao with food these days, making his life even easier than before.

After pretending to ponder for a while, he fetched a bag of saline solution, saying, "I can give you an antidote injection temporarily relieving your symptoms."

Xu Hao, as if seeing hope, rolled up his sleeves eagerly.

"Give it to me, give me the injection!"

Zhang Yi picked up the syringe, slowly injecting saline solution into Xu Hao. Then he said calmly, "This can alleviate your symptoms temporarily, but it will last at most five days. After that, you will still die from the poison."

"So, you better pray that this operation is successful. Otherwise, neither of us will have a good ending."

After receiving the saline solution injection, Xu Hao instantly felt an inexplicable surge of energy in his body, becoming more spirited.

"Brother Zhang, rest assured. Xu Hao won't play with his own life."

"This time, I'll follow you wholeheartedly!"

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