Chapter 7: Equipment Acquisition

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After reviewing the introduction to the safe house, Zhang Ye immediately selected his service items.

Firstly, he opted for a comprehensive reinforcement of the entire house, replacing all structural materials with 200mm-thick alloy for walls, ceilings, and floors. This aerospace material, one-third the weight of steel but ten times as strong, would seamlessly integrate into the building without overloading its structural capacity.

For windows, he chose the world's best bulletproof glass.

Next on the list was the installation of a ventilation system with air filtration capabilities, preventing harmful gases from infiltrating from the outside.

Lastly, a complete surveillance system was requested, providing full-angle monitoring both inside and outside the house. The doors were to be replaced with heavy, bank-vault-grade anti-theft doors, resistant even to small bombs.

In summary, Zhang Ye's only requirement was to transform his house into an impregnable fortress. After selecting these options, he handed the computer back to Wu Huai Ren.

Wu Huai Ren, after reviewing the choices, couldn't help but widen his eyes. A 120-square-meter house transformed into an impenetrable fortress.

"With weapons added, this is practically a stronghold!" he muttered to himself.

Hearing this, Zhang Ye's eyes glinted. "Oh, you know a thing or two about strongholds?"

Wu Huai Ren chuckled, "I used to be a mercenary abroad. I'm well-versed in military and weaponry."

A spark flashed in Zhang Ye's mind. Lowering his voice, he asked, "Can you get your hands on guns?"

This question shifted Wu Huai Ren's expression to a more serious tone. In China, private ownership of firearms was strictly prohibited.

"Mr. Zhang, you should understand that, in principle, private ownership of such things is not allowed," Wu Huai Ren replied, also in a hushed tone.

"Have you encountered terrifying enemies, making you fear for your life?" Zhang Ye probed.

"Yes, I've offended some formidable people, and they are ruthless with guns," Zhang Ye said excitedly. "I thought maybe I could get some guns for self-defense. Otherwise, I'll be stuck hiding in the house, and that's not a solution."

Wu Huai Ren smiled, "Mr. Zhang, I'm afraid I can't help you with this. We are a legitimate company."

From Wu Huai Ren's eyes, Zhang Ye could tell that he wasn't incapable of obtaining guns; he simply didn't want to get involved in murky waters.

Taking a deep breath, Zhang Ye said, "I'm investing over eight million in this safe house project. If anything goes wrong later, it won't be good for your company's reputation."

He stared at Wu Huai Ren and said emphatically, "I just want a means of self-defense. If you can help me with this favor, I'll make it worth your while."

Wu Huai Ren remained silent, weighing the situation. He had connections, but he didn't know Zhang Ye's background and couldn't afford to casually introduce him to the underworld.

"You can go back for now. While I might not be able to help you with this, I can inquire and contact you if there's any news," Wu Huai Ren finally said.

Zhang Ye didn't press further. "Alright, I'll wait for your news."

He added, "This is urgent for me, so please expedite the safe house construction."

Wu Huai Ren assured, "At most, it will take half a month for us to complete it."

After the discussion, Zhang Ye signed the contract on the spot, paying a 1 million yuan deposit. The remaining payment would likely never be paid.

Leaving the Dragon War Security Company, Zhang Ye had resolved his housing issue.

Next, he returned to his car, calling a familiar acquaintance, Liu Yang.

Liu Yang ran a hunting ground in Tianhai City, covering hundreds of acres where people could hunt harmless small animals for recreation. Due to Zhang Ye's previous visits, he had Liu Yang's contact information.

Zhang Ye asked Liu Yang to purchase a batch of weapons, offering to pay a premium. Liu Yang, being a businessman and occasionally seeking help from Zhang Ye, readily agreed.

"Zhang Ge, why do you need so many weapons? These are only for hunting or personal enjoyment. You can't use them to harm others!" Liu Yang asked cautiously.

Zhang Ye laughed and casually explained, "I made an appointment with some friends to go on a hunting trip to a wildlife park in Africa. So, I need more equipment!"

Liu Yang chuckled, "Zhang Ge, you're really something! But be careful; Africa has many lions and wild dogs. Stay safe!"

"Sure, that's the plan. How soon can you get the equipment ready?" Zhang Ye asked.

"I already have some in stock. You can come by whenever you're free to pick them up," Liu Yang replied.

Zhang Ye didn't waste time; he went straight to the West Mountain hunting ground and purchased five stainless steel crossbows, three advanced compound bows, and 300 arrows and bolts each. Additionally, he bought two top-quality hunting knives made of Damascus steel, extremely durable and sharp.

The trunk was now filled with a variety of weapons. Gazing at the array of equipment, Zhang Ye felt a strong sense of security.

He drove back home and, realizing that he might have to prepare his own hot pot in the future, promptly ordered 10,000 servings of hot pot base materials from Hai Di Lao.

The staff at Hai Di Lao were bewildered by Zhang Ye's generous order, suspecting him to be from a rival company trying to cause trouble. However, with the store manager intervening, they accepted the order with a cash-only condition to prevent any mischief.

Zhang Ye paid over a million yuan on the spot, astonishing the manager, who even threw in an extra 500 servings as a bonus.

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