Chapter 156: Hypnotic Gas

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Zhang Yi leaned against the wall, silently waiting for Wang Siming to arrive. As he had anticipated, Wang didn't immediately resort to lethal methods, such as using high-temperature flame throwers. After all, killing Zhang Yi was not a meaningful task for Wang Siming.

After a while, the dark golden door slowly opened. Zhang Yi's eyes opened slightly, and his right hand's fingers were ready to draw and shoot. However, when he saw the face of the incoming person, he paused.

It wasn't Wang Siming!

Inside, Zhang Yi cursed silently. Damn it, Xu Hao! The information he provided didn't mention the presence of others in the shelter. In a crisis like this, people wouldn't allow anyone other than their closest family into their rooms, unless they were well-prepared individuals like Zhang Yi with abundant resources and significant allies like Zhou Ke'er and Uncle You.

The person entering was tall and burly, holding a machete in hand and a bundle of rope at his waist. Zhang Yi had already recognized him. He had seen this person frequently on television. He was Lin Geng, a famous actor and reportedly a good friend of Wang Siming.

Suppressing the urge to attack, Zhang Yi knew he couldn't be hasty until he saw Wang Siming himself. Lin Geng approached, poking Zhang Yi's arm with the machete. Zhang Yi felt a slight pain, but luckily his thick clothes made it bearable. He squinted, not making a sound, while closely watching Lin Geng's actions.

Seeing no reaction from Zhang Yi, Lin Geng took away Zhang Yi's gun and securely tied him up with the rope. Meanwhile, Xu Hao, having inhaled the hypnotic gas, lay there like a dead pig.

With Lin Geng's strength, he effortlessly hoisted Zhang Yi over his shoulder and walked into the shelter. Zhang Yi squinted, quietly observing the interior of the shelter. Rich people's lives were truly unimaginable for ordinary folks.

Exiting the corridor, they entered a circular hall, filled with futuristic metallic rooms. It resembled the interior of a spaceship in a sci-fi movie but even more luxurious. Lin Geng tossed Zhang Yi onto the floor.

"The man is here. This guy is really stupid; taking care of him required no effort," Lin Geng said disdainfully, looking at Zhang Yi as if he were a caged bird.

At that moment, a man in a yellow bathrobe emerged from a nearby door. "Isn't this an unexpected turn of events? I spent a billion dollars on this shelter. If I can't handle someone like him, my money would be wasted."

Zhang Yi saw the man's face and couldn't help but smile. The main character had arrived. Wang Siming glanced at the securely tied Zhang Yi, relieved, and began chatting with Lin Geng.

Meanwhile, Zhang Yi opened his spatial rift and released the high-intensity hypnotic gas he had absorbed earlier. Wang Siming and Lin Geng remained oblivious, continuing their conversation.

"After we get hold of this guy's snowmobile, how about going out for a spin? We don't know the situation outside," Wang Siming suggested.

"Going out for a ride sounds good, and we can grab some food on the way back," Lin Geng agreed. The two had already started planning how to enjoy Zhang Yi's snowmobile.

As Wang Siming chuckled, he suddenly felt Lin Geng swaying. "Lin Geng, don't sway!" Wang Siming exclaimed.

Lin Geng looked surprised. "I'm not swaying. Wait... why are there six of you now?"

By the time they realized something was wrong, it was too late. Their bodies shook, and they slumped to the ground.

Taking out a dagger from his spatial rift, Zhang Yi cut the ropes binding his hands, then quickly removed all their restrictions. Zhang Yi walked over and confiscated their weapons. Wang Siming's two golden Desert Eagles were eye-catching, but Zhang Yi dismissed them as "good-looking but not very useful." He stored all the dangerous items in his spatial rift.

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