Chapter 117: The Menace of the Sniper

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Due to their craving for cigarettes, Wang Qiang and Huang Tianfang were eager to immediately agree to Zhang Yi's conditions, just to ensure they could get a pack of cigarettes every day.

Chen Lingyu, on the other hand, was preoccupied with the embarrassment of wetting her pants, and most of her attention was focused on the area between her legs, leaving no extra energy.

Li Jian could only reluctantly say, "These conditions are indeed a bit harsh, and we cannot make decisions on our own. Otherwise, other building units may not agree."

Zhang Yunian kept his arms crossed; he was not the most intellectually gifted person. In his mind, as long as Zhang Yi could provide food, he wouldn't go hungry as the leader of Building 5.

However, when Zhang Yi questioned their ability to make decisions for the entire community, he joined in, mimicking, "Yes, this matter cannot be decided lightly. I think we should discuss it again!"

Suddenly, Zhang Yi's expression changed, and his voice turned cold. "Discuss it again? Are you playing with me? If you five can't decide for the entire community, why did you come to negotiate on behalf of others?"

Outside the door, Uncle You and others tightened their grip on their weapons, approaching the door with a stern and cold expression.

Wang Qiang and his friends were startled. Facing Zhang Yi's potential threat was too easy, considering he had a gun, and they had nothing.

Wang Qiang quickly stopped Zhang Yi, "Don't be hasty. Who said we can't make decisions?!"

He glared fiercely at Li Jian and Zhang Yunian, saying, "Didn't we agree on this matter? The five of us will make the decision. Do you think people from other buildings would dare not listen?"

"In my opinion, Zhang Yi's conditions are acceptable."

Wang Qiang, in his early twenties, lacked much social experience. He made a big mistake in negotiations by revealing his cards first and expressing his attitude too eagerly.

But there was no choice; despite being the leader of a building, he was just a street tough who liked to be tough.

Huang Tianfang also chimed in, as he had the fewest loyal followers. With ten people's supplies, plus cigarettes every day, wouldn't life be enjoyable like immortals?

Old Huang said, "I think we need to understand each other. Zhang Yi also has his difficulties. Let's not push him too hard."

To gain Zhang Yi's favor, Huang Tianfang patted his chest and said, "Zhang Yi, let me express my stance first. I agree with your proposal!"

Following suit, Wang Qiang said, "Me too!"

Zhang Yunian still furrowed his brows, looking thoughtful. It was his first time experiencing such a situation, and he didn't know what to say.

Anyway, acting profound would suffice.

Among the five, only Li Jian and Chen Lingyu had some intelligence. However, due to a special circumstance, Chen Lingyu's IQ had sharply declined, leaving Li Jian alone to support the situation.

The situation became chaotic, with internal conflicts arising among themselves.

Sitting by the window, Zhang Yi observed them with interest, using the corner of his eye to watch the reactions downstairs.

Suddenly, his brows furrowed slightly as he noticed something was amiss.

The group of people who had scattered in fear after his grenade exploded suddenly began regrouping in teams, quietly approaching Building 25.

A faint smile appeared on Zhang Yi's face.

Taking advantage of the negotiation, they launched a sudden attack. This situation was within Zhang Yi's expectations. After all, the most powerful combat force in Building 25 was Zhang Yi, and more than 99% of the combat force came from the weapons in his hands.

Now, with Zhang Yi delayed in negotiations upstairs, others took the opportunity to attack, attempting to take over Building 25 in one go. It was a classic strategy.

Unfortunately, Zhang Yi was not foolish.

With over a thousand people outside the building, would he be completely defenseless?

Seeing those people eager to act, Zhang Yi spoke to the five building leaders in front of him, "Did you arrange for people to attack while we were negotiating?"

Wang Qiang and the others looked confused at his words.

Wang Qiang laughed dismissively, "What are you talking about? We are all here, and you suggest people come to attack while we negotiate? Wouldn't that be risking our own lives for fun?"

Zhang Yi smiled faintly, "I think so too. But if that's the case, you should investigate it thoroughly after you go back."

These people were most likely not arranged by the five in front of him.

After all, they knew Zhang Yi had a gun and could easily wipe them out.

So there were only two explanations.

Either other building leaders chose to abandon them, using them as bait to divert Zhang Yi's attention and launch a surprise attack on Building 25.

Or, their own subordinates wanted to seize power, disregarding their lives and initiating an attack.

Li Jian understood immediately, his face turned pale, and he stood up, "They've started the attack!"

Wang Qiang, Huang Tianfang, Chen Lingyu, and Zhang Yunian changed their expressions upon hearing this.

"These damned people, who told them to do this!"

Zhang Yi's face still bore a cold smile.

Suddenly, he reached down and picked up the pitch-black sniper rifle from the floor.

"Sit down, all of you!"

Zhang Yi shouted, pointing the dark barrel at the five people in front of him.

Uncle You and others rushed in immediately, blocking all their escape routes.

Seeing the sniper rifle, the five were already terrified.

"Zhang Yi, it wasn't us! Don't shoot, please!"

Wang Qiang was sweating profusely.

Chen Lingyu, unable to hold on any longer, sat directly on the ground, her pants even wetter.

Ignoring them, Zhang Yi turned around, placing the sniper rifle on the windowsill.

Downstairs, the people had already gathered at the temporary main entrance of Building 25, launching an assault in an instant.

Zhang Yi aimed at a tall figure in the crowd and pulled the trigger!


The roar echoed in the residential area, and the leader of Building 11 had his mind blown open, splattering red and white matter on the snowy ground.

Those who intended to sneak attack were also stupefied in place.


The second shot rang out, piercing through another head.

At this moment, the shocked crowd finally reacted, desperately running away or crawling in the snow.

With a cold gaze like the Grim Reaper, Zhang Yi continued ruthlessly harvesting lives.

Out of a sense of mockery, he didn't shoot at those desperately running back but aimed at those lying on the ground.

Death Eaters?

Do you think you're clever?

Well, I'll target you precisely!

The sound of the large rifle echoed throughout the entire residential area, and those lying on the ground convulsed, their heads exploding.

In the negotiation room, the five building leaders were deeply shocked by the scene.

Witnessing Zhang Yi shoot and kill people, they finally understood how terrifying this man truly was!

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