Chapter 4 Wish You A Happy Life

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Xiao closed his eyes in despair, Haine roughly threw him to the ground, the force threatening to crack his spine. His bones ached and tears ran down his face at the impact. He put a hand to his sore throat, coughing and gulping in air desperately. By his ear the steel blade sliced into the ground, the edge of the edge scraping against his cheek. He felt a sharp pain and the wetness of blood dripping down the side of his face. The deep threatening timbre of Heine's voice above him dominated his senses.

"If these materials cannot be used, I will cut through your flesh and tear out your bones." Every word spoken was clear, concise and laced with enough danger that Xiao felt the devil himself was delivering them.

Xiao realized in that moment this man was much more terrifying than the zombies.

Ah, he thought to himself, I don't want to die.

Mark pulled him up from the floor and pushed the payload into his arms. Lowering his voice, he whispered,"Didn't realize you had such courage. Daring to steal a kiss from our Boss...and he is  a complete germophobe."

Xiao was at a complete loss for words. If Heine had only been wearing his respirator or if his hadn't slipped off, then there was no way he would have rubbed against him with his...his...


He really didn't want his bones torn out by Heine.  Captain White was equally terrified for him and hurried over to help Xiao Yan. After 10 ten minutes, they managed to open the first device and Mark handed them a container to collect the material. Xiao and Captain White sighed in relief and they repeated the procedure to extract the rest of the uranium. Mark put the containers on his back and set off to leave. Xiao, still quite disturbed by recent happenings, glanced over at Heine. Seeing that his eyes still held a murderous gleam, he worried that he was going to be left behind to be devoured by zombies.

No matter how hopeless the situation he had no choice but to follow Heine out of the facility.

When Mark kicked the door open there were countless zombies lumbering about. Heine blades flashed and zombie heads tumbled down. Xiao Yan stepped over their sticky bodies on his way out.

The zombies kept coming at them and Xiao Yan almost had his head taken off from both sides. Several times the corpses were a mere chomp away from his shoulder, Heine ignored his plight and kept moving forward. Luckily Mark noticed and pulled him away, otherwise he would have met a rather tragic death right there.

Finally they reached the aircraft,Heine buckled the harness around his waist and activated the device. The rope shot up into the sky and he disappeared into the aircraft pulling the rope into the cabin. Xiao looked up befuddled.

What about him? He had come with Heine and now he left him by himself?

Mark sighed and seeing a zombie headed toward them, he picked up the captain and his own harness.

"Hey rookie, Grab onto my arm!"

Seeing a strand of hope, Xiao Yan desperately grabbed at it and rushed to hold onto Mark's arm. Immediately he flew up with them toward the craft. He ascended so fast he felt that if he relaxed a single muscle he would end up falling.

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Where stories live. Discover now