Chapter 52 Are You Going To Quit

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"Now listen up. My course will teach you how to deal with zombies. When you encounter a fully capable zombie that is close to you don't try to run away. Don't turn your back to it and expose your neck. Don't freeze in one position, you are not dead, don't act like it. The zombie looks frightening, and moves faster than our special forces! What you need to do is make good decisions. Move swiftly and target your attack on specific areas of the zombie's body. "

Winn suddenly shouted, "Mark - get in here!"

"Ah? What's wrong?"

Mark, who was outside the training room, rushed in. Winn raised his hand and then suddenly Mark was one the floor. His hands were pulled behind him and Winn's right leg pressed down against his lower back. Mark was much larger and taller than Winn, but right now his face twists into a horribly distorted expression.

"Hey! Winn! You bastard! Are you crazy?! Let me go!"

Winn released Mark and he turned around and threw a punch at Winn. Winn seemed to have expected this and leaned back, easily avoiding the hit.

"I was just giving Xiao Yan a demonstration."

"What kind of demonstration?!" Mark eyes and veins were still bulging in fury.

"What is weak...what is strength." Winn clasped his hands behind his back and stood up straight. "Xiao, I am far smaller in stature and not nearly as strong as Mark. Even so, I subdued him instantly, without using brute force."

"What a trick!" Mark whines. " If you hadn't called me in here and taken me unaware, I could have---"

Winn took a half step forward and, before Xiao could piece the blur together, Mark was howling on the floor. This time Winn had taken him down to one knee and was twisting his left wrist almost all the way around.

"You're gonna break it! Winn, you asshole!" Mark's face was flushed red, his shouts strangling in his throat.

Winn tossed Mark away. "This is why I am already a major and you will always be less."

Xiao Yan's eyes widen in surprise, he mentally analyzed the sequence of Winn's actions.

First he hit Mark's knee, forcing him off balance. Then, when Mark had drawn his fist back, Winn had leaned sideways as he grabbed Mark's wrist and twisted, rotating along his own momentum. His movements, although clean, were not simple enough for him to completely track.

"You are smart Xiao Yan so I won't add any unnecessary nonsense. I will just tell you that zombies were once human, before they were infected with the comet virus. Everything about their body structure- joints, bones, it is the same, including their vulnerabilities.

Winn explained to him basic techniques and used Mark to demonstrate them and perform various exercises. Mark was not a willing to act like a zombie.

"This is the most basic skill to learn when confronted with zombies. They don't have the ability to think, so one trick can be used to deal with them all. Do you understand? Can you see what I am doing clearly?"


"See... clear..." Xiao spoke in a dazed and halting tone. He was overwhelmed.

It is one thing to see it clearly it is another to duplicate it.

"Actual combat is the best teacher!"

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Where stories live. Discover now