Chapter 13 Claustrophobic Escape Pod

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By this time the water was calf deep, he went to the edge of the cage searching around in the water.

"Xiao, what are you looking for." Maya walked up and asked curiously.

"My gun." Xiao continues searching without lifting his head.

"Xiao the gun isn't powerful enough to shoot a hole in the wall." Maya yanked Xiao out of the water, trying to stop his futilely frantic search.

"I'm not planning to shoot a hole. I need the power source, with that I might be able to open the door."

At this point Xiao had submerged himself entirely in water, repeatedly kneeling and diving under the deepening muddied water. Each time coming up empty handed.

He senses someone searching at his side, but Xiao is so preoccupied he only sees their faint outline from his periphery.

A hand grasps his waist, the grip infused with an incredible strength and power. Xiao Yan's whole body is lifted from the water.

"Haa..." Xiao takes a breath and wipes the dirty water from his face; he sees that the figure in front of him is Heine.

Heine hands him his gun, muddy water dripping down his golden hair, despite his aversion to such grime he had unexpectedly dove in to help Xiao find his gun.

Xiao is overjoyed.

"Ah. Great. It's here."

""What are you going to do?"

There is not a hint of hesitation in Heine's eyes, as if he is certain whatever Xiao does will succeed.

Xiao narrows his eyes as he stares at the red light atop the door. "I need to get up there."

Hein nod his head. "Mark"

"Yes. Colonel."

Mark lifts Xiao Yan atop his shoulders, with this height Xiao Yan can easily reach the top of the door.

He dismantles the gun and pulls out the power supply, connecting it to the circuit that controls the door's locking mechanism.

That water depth is now over Marks waistline.

Xiao clenches his jaw and pulls the trigger.

A 'bang' sounded, but the door did not open.

"Damn it. Didn't work?"

Mark cursed, Xiao looked at the red light over the door, frowning. It was no longer blinking red.

"The door is no longer locked, but the pressure of the water is preventing it from opening."

It would be impossible for an ordinary person to open the door, with that amount of water pressure pressing against it, however the people trapped with Xiao are not ordinary people.

"What does that mean?"

Mark didn't understand what Xiao Yan had said, but Hein had already drawn his sword.

"Everybody help."

Heine attempted to lever the door open with his blade. "Mark, we need you."

Mark set Xiao down in the water. "Don't drown rookie."

After that, he also sank into the water.

It was rumored, on the base, that Mark could lift an aircraft. Formally Xiao thought it was just gossip, now he firmly believes it.

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