Chapter 37 Do You Know Why I Kiss You Here

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"Huh? I know the person?"

Maya stretched his arm out and took Xiao Yan into his arms. His forehead rested on Maya's chin. Although only the side of his face was visible, Mark instantly recognized Xiao Yan. He started screaming at Maya, the sound traveling from the com device was ear splitting.

"Oh my God! Oh my God! Maya! That bastard actually bedded the rookie!"

"What rookie?" another special forces spoke.

"Xiao Yan."

"What?!" Liv's reaction was extreme and she immediately pushed into the screen. "Maya! What have you done?"

"Yeah! Yeah! You will hurt him!"

Maya struggled to keep a straight face, the urge to laugh was straining his facial muscles.

As he was about to explain, a chilling voice broke through

"What are you doing?' it was Heine Burton. Although he wasn't visible on the contact display, Maya could feel his familiar powerful force radiate from his device. His muscles tensed at his tone.

"Boss! Maya fucked Xiao!" Mark shouted in outrage.

Maya's heart stopped and froze, when it came to Colonel Burton, this wasn't a joke.

Shit! Oh no. No NO!

This was no longer funny!

"Um, Boss. I didn't have sex Xiao Yan."

"Then why is Xiao Yan with you?" Liv asked in a sternly protective voice.

"We went for drinks and he got so intoxicated that he couldn't speak clearly. I didn't know where he lived, so I just brought him back home with me. That's all. That's it." Maya frantically attempted to defend himself.

"That's all? What did you really do to him?" Liv was still suspicious of Maya.

"I would never have sex with my brother, I would never ever do that." Maya swore fiercely.

" It is 20-14. Send him back now." That glacial voice struck like metal clanging and Maya swallowed with great difficulty.

"What?" Maya didn't know what the Colonel was saying.

"That is his address."

"Hey! Didn't you hear? The boss told you to send Xiao Yan back home. Even if you haven't done anything to the rookie yet, who knows what you will do later." Mark angrily ended the connection.

Maya sighed to himself. "Isn't this a mess. Making me bring Xiao Yan back home in the middle of the night...Wait..."

"How did the Boss know his address?"

The area designation was 20, and 14 was his room number.

Maya got of the bed and picked up the unconscious Xiao Yan. He smacked his cheeks, taking his frustration out as he woke him. His voice was tinged with resentment as he spoke.

"Such an incredible guy. The whole team is really serious about your wellbeing."

The next day Xiao Yan woke up in his own bed. He was thoroughly confused. He scratched his head, attempting to figure out how he got home, when his communicator flashed.

Casey's furious face appeared.

"Xiao Yan! Do you know what time it is? If you don't get here quickly, I'll take it that you don't want to live anymore."

Thrive in Catastrophe by 焦糖冬瓜Where stories live. Discover now