Chapter 82 The Bet

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He had just gotten back to work. Did he get no time to adjust? Why did a project fall on his head so quickly?

What kind of simulation system...Xiao tried hard to think and recall such a thing, but he could only draw upon sporadic flickering fragments. There was no cohesiveness or detail he could pull out to help him.

"Loch, you will provide technical support for the system. You are aware of Xiao Yan's brain speed so we need a system that can accommodate his processing rate. This will be essential to the efficiency of the project."

Xiao looks around curiously. Major Loch? Isn't he the one who designed the dual craft system at age sixteen?

Where is he?

"Hm, I know."

A hollow sounding voice spoke nearby and Xiao Yan turned to find the exhausted looking man seated next to him was the one who spoke,

"Also Major Xiao Yan your department has just been established, it needs some fresh blood. After this meeting, my liaison officer will send you a list of prospective assistants to choose from."

Research assistant? He is also Casey's research assistant... No...

"No need to overthink it. A research assistant is simply a tool to instruct. They need only meet three requirements, first they must be obedient, second they must be obedient and third...obedient."

Loch's voice was like a withered plant in extreme need of water and barely clinging to life. His tone was dry and raspy and he seemed to strain to free each word from his throat.

"Don't listen to this guy there is only condition for an assistant and that is they must put their director first. If they have this state of mind, they will do well for your research."

On the right side of Xiao Yan was a major with flaxen colored hair coiled in tight curls. His military collar is open and he rests his arm leisurely across the back of Xiao's seat.

"Mr. Ritz, in addition to Xiao Yan's simulated battle system, the second project we need to discuss today regards military aircraft. I was informed that Jane Wallace and his team have developed a new type of craft. Not only is it silent, but its speed is twice that of ours. And their weapons system..."

Ervel tapped at the air and a hologram display materialized in front of everyone showing images of Jane's craft engaged in battle with Ling. The missile system was quite advanced. If not for Heine's quick thinking, Ling's squad would have been completely wiped out.

"In the past two years, your department has  contributed hardly any useful research. I am forced to wonder if you are too lazy or simply incapable." Ervel narrowed his eyes at Ritz, who just smiled indifferently back at him.

"Give me a month and I can increase the speed of our craft 2.5 times what it is now."

Xiao Yan paused at his words. Perhaps the person beside him was just lazy, because he spoke with complete confidence. Surely no one would dare falsely brag in a room full of officials.

"So what about the weapons system of the craft?"

"Ah...thinking is so exhausting." Ritz scratched his head.

"If you can develop a superior weapons system than what is presented in this video, I will give you a week of vacation."

Ritz shook his head in disinterest. "My life is worth more than one measly week."

"Perhaps I can send you to Base 46. They are in constant need of commanders."

The reason for this was well known. Base 46 was located in the Arctic Circle. The base was small and sufficiently supplied, but... it was...excruciatingly boring.

"I choose the generous week long vacation." Ritz sat up straight, adopting such a serious expression that his earlier lazy presence seemed to evaporate.

"Very good." Ervel's gaze returned to Xiao Yan again. "The research on the x-2 must go on. We hope that we will be able to widely distribute the virus, as opposed to the cumbersome task of individually tailoring it. The burden on you shoulders is quite heavy Xiao Yan, but you have the cooperation of any department you need. No matter what you require, please do not hesitate to ask."

"Yes, Lieutenant General."

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