Chapter 68 It Is Finished

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Heine gripped his back and picked him up. As the electricity gathered between them, Xiao felt that he was born to belong to Heine.

He fell back onto the mattress and his wrists were captured and pulled up over his head. He helplessly lifted his face toward Heine, but he moved away.

His eyes were liquid and his mind was consumed with the desire to reach the heights of Heine, even if he could only glimpse the sky that surrounded him.

His breathing began to slow and his thoughts began to fall into place.

Then Heine pressed him tightly against himself, his body crowding out all the space between them.

His arm wrapped around him, the pressure did not release until he finally spoke.

"Do you know who is kissing you?"

"..." Xiao Yan opened his mouth with a rough breath, "Heine Burton."

Heine's knuckle traced his lips, the gentle gesture in complete contrast to his powerful commanding voice.

"Always remember that you kiss me for me, it has nothing to do with the x-virus."

His mouth dusted kisses on his face and then palm of his other hand reached down and slid into his pants. The intensity and shock of his touch paralyzed Xiao. His legs and lips parted as his breath froze in his chest. His confused stare mingled with Heine's icy blue eyes.

Xiao opens his mouth to yell, but could only emit strangled sounds as Heine's fingers wrap around him.

Heine's mouth move across Xiao's lower lip, as he struggled to deepen the kiss Heine raised his head and he was only able to make contact with his throat.

All of his blood seems to pressure and boil under Heine's movements. Everything flows rapidly and feelings spark through him with such speed he can't keep up or resist. His feet writhe on the sheets, his calves brushing against Heine's body. Each time his leg rubs against Heine, his kiss gains force and the tempo of his hand increases. Everything within Xiao coils and tenses until he suddenly is pushed over the edge. The sky erupted in his eyes, his breath rushed out in one forced pant. His gaze was unfocused and hazy as the world melted around him.

Heine's body lifted off of him and moved back to the sofa. Heine closed his eyes and leaned his head back, sighing with such heaviness as though the last vestiges of his restraint were barely contained.

Xiao's breathing finally calmed and evened.

As the world sharpened into view, he looks over at the distinct features of Heine, the amalgamation of all his desires and hopes.


What just happened?

Xiao pressed his face against the bed and felt between his legs. His hand came up wet and he looked around, surprised that he was in his room.

When did they come back here?

How did he come back?

He stepped off the bed and nearly crumpled to the floor, before gingerly propping himself up. He looked over at Heine, who did not stir in the slightest.

He steadied himself using the wall and trudged into the bathroom. Walking into the shower, he stood there as the water flowed atop his head.

He knew he was struggling, everything was falling out of his control.

This night, he could not sleep at all.

Every thought and fiber of his being was immersed in the sensation of kissing Heine. His eyes are always tracking Heine, even in complete darkness he is all he can see. Xiao has desperately tried to ignore this fact, but the closer he gets the more he cannot deny the existence of his feelings.

Xiao thought to himself, it is finished.

He did not sleep for the rest of the night.

Early the next day, Gordon was leaning in his chair listening to music. His eyes were closed in contentment and the fragrant scent of black tea permeated the air. He put on some music and a leisurely melody filtered through the morning. The stillness seemed to echo throughout the Shire.

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