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"And where do you think you're going dressed like that?" Barnaby questioned his younger sister, Atlanta, noticing that she was sneaking out in the most revealing light pink dress he had ever seen. She had her black heels in her hand and she was frozen in position, feeling his glaring eyes on the back of her head.

"Kegger down at the boneyard." Atlanta whispered, turning around a plastering a huge smile on her face, hoping that her way over protective brother would let her go.

Barnaby had always been protective over the girl, and she deeply appreciated it. Until he started driving her to parties and picking her up from them. She was 16 now, she was more than capable of finding her own way home.

"Does dad know?" Barnaby questioned, crossing his arms as he looked at his sister disapprovingly. He had a stern look on his face that Atlanta hated. It was almost judgemental.

"Sure he does." Atlanta made finger guns and playfully shot at him before attempting to walk about.

But unfortunatly for Atlanta, protective brother mode was on and he wasn't about to let her go out dressed like that, not alone anyways.

"Attie." He said sternly.

Atlanta rolled her eyes and let out an over exaggerated groan. "Party pooper." She muttered. She hated when Barney did this, it was rare but it did happen. "Why do you-"

"I'm coming too." Atlanta couldn't help but let out an excited squeal, she ran up to her brother and kissed his cheek.

Sometimes he could be fun, but the majority of the time, Barnaby was serious. He had to make up for where his father lacked in discipline. After their mother, Barnaby stepped up to become the parent role in the household.

"Thank you. Thank you. Thank you!" She said, linking arms with him and dragging him to the car, not even giving him a chance to get changed in to something nicer or more appreciate for a party. "I'm driving." Atlanta said dangling the keys to his car in his face, which was a huge mistake, since Barnaby grabbed the keys with a light laugh.

"You think I'm gonna let you drive Greggory?" Barney questioned, running his fingers over the black car bonnet.

The car was his baby. He had worked his ass off for the car, pulling back to back shifts at The Wreck and selling his paintings on the side of the beach. He refused to accept any money from his dad. He wanted this car to be his with no debt to his father. 

"You are way to obessed with this car." Attie sat as she swung open the car door and hopped in shot gun.

She pulled her feet up onto the car seats, her heels digging into the leather. She honestly didn't even think twice about doing it. But when Barnaby's eyes widened she had to hold back a laugh. Barnaby scoffed and pushed her legs back down.

"I need to put my shoes on asshat." Atlanta slapped her brother's bicep angrily and pulled her feet back up and onto the chair. She slipped her heels on and placed her foot on the dashboard as she fastend the strap, causing Barnaby to let out an over exaggerated gasp. "Oh shut up and drive." Atlanta ordered.

"Oh shut up and drive." Barnaby mimicked."This car is my baby."

"You named you car Greggory, you must really hate your baby." Atlanta mumbled, scrunching up her nose playfully as she finshed fastening the strap on her other shoe.

"I love Greggory." He said confidentally. "Now take your feet down and shut up." He ordered.

"Alright, someone's got their pants in a twist." Atlanta whispered and placed her feet down.

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