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Atlanta was minding her own business while walking home. The sun had set and most of the streetlights were down, so she couldn't see much.

A few cars had drove past and asked if she wanted a ride somewhere, but every time she refused, or pretended to be on the phone so that they wouldn't try to kidnap her.

She knew it was stupid, but her dad told her never to get in someone's car unless she knew them. And that was one rule she stuck by.

Atlanta paused once she heard a small purr. She wasn't sure if she was hearing things or if an animal was hurt. She waited until she heard another purr. She hoped to God it wasn't a rodent, those things terrified her.

The brunette pulled her phone out and turned on her flashlight, she looked under a small bit of rubble that Agatha had caused. Nobody had cleaned up this part of town yet, mainly because it was on the cut rather than figure 8.

"Hey." Atlanta whispered and knelt down on the ground once seeing the ginger and white kitten. "Oh you're just a baby." She whispered again.

Atlanta was a huge animal lover, it was one of the reasons that she and Sarah Cameron got along so well. They both adored animals.

The girl tried for the next ten minutes to coax the cat out of the rubble, she didn't want it to stay in there. She didn't want it to get hurt. The poor kitten was probably hungry. "Come on, we can get you some food." Atlanta whispered.

Atlanta's phone began to ring, startling the kitten and herself. "Hello?"

She could only imagine that it was JJ calling to make sure that she was safe. But instead of being met with JJ's familiar voice, instead it was her brother.

"Where are you?" Barnaby questioned the girl.

"Walking home." She neglected to tell him that she had found a stray kitten. She knew he'd tried to convince her to leave it until tomorrow. Or that it was probably someone's pet and they'll be looking for it. "I'll see you soon, Barney bear."

"Well stay safe, call me if you're in trouble." He said protectively. It was dark out and although his sister was 16 and could look after herself, he still worried about her.

"Always, love you B."

"Love you too." He said quickly ending the call before Atlanta could say another world.

"I hate it when he does that." Atlanta whispered to the kitten. "Come on. You can trust me." She said placing her hand in front of the small gap, so the kitten could smell her and get used to her scent. "I'm not going to hurt you. I promise."

After another ten minutes the kitten had come out and let her hold it. Atlanta walked home with the kitten in her arms, trying to think of a good name for it.

"Daddy? Barney?" Atlanta shouted once she entered the house. "I have a surprise." She smiled innocently as both men walked into the hall way.

"Atlanta Carson Shoupe what is that?" Her father questioned sternly as he looked at the kitten.

"It was abandoned daddy, I couldn't leave him." Atlanta said as she placed the kitten on the floor, although it didn't leave her side. "Please can we keep him? I'll look after him I promise." Atlanta smiled sweetly. Barnaby hadn't said a word, he was just in shock.

"We have to see if he belongs to anyone first pumpkin. But if not, then yes, you can keep him." Shoupe nodded. "I have to head to work now, late night shift, I'll bring some cat food home for him tonight. Be good." He said placing a kiss on Atlanta's temple.

Shoupe would do anything for his daughter. He'd give her the world if he could. Anything she wanted, he got her without even blinking.

"Dads gone, I'm inviting Campbell round." Barnaby said as he pulled his phone out of his back pocket.

"Is this your guy friend?" Atlanta teased as she knelt down to stroke the kitten.

"He's my boyfriend." Barnaby blushed.

"Boyfriend?" Atlanta gasped happily. She couldn't believe it, this was her brothers first boyfriend. "I'm so happy for you, B. Although I'm upset you didn't tell me." Atlanta said running up and throwing her arms around him. "Oh my God. I'm going to meet him!"

Atlanta laid on the couch with the kitten, she and Barnaby had decided to call it Patch for the time being due to all the ginger patches it has.

Barnaby had asked Campbell to bring a few cat supplies as their father would probably forget. Which he said he was more than happy to bring around, apparently he had a soft spot for kittens.

"He's here. Do I look okay?" Barnaby panicked as he looked at himself in the mirror once again. He ran his fingers through his hair.

"Go and answer the door, B." Atlanta ordered as Patch laid himself on her lap.

Barnaby rushed to answer the door, not wanting to leave Campbell waiting any the door any longer. He and Campbell walked into the living room with a few cat supplies in their hands.

"I didn't know what to bring." He said with a soft smile. "I'm Campbell." He smile at the brunette, who he just assumed was Barnaby's sister.

"I'm Atlanta, or Attie." She smiled nervously. This guy was hot, she could tell why Barnaby was dating him.

He had curly black hair and deep brown eyes, which complimented his olive skin tone perfectly. He looked scary, but Atlanta guessed he was a secret softie since Barnaby went for him.

"And who's this little guy?" Campbell questioned as he grabbed a cat treat to give to the kitten.

"Patch." Atlanta smiled as Patch nuzzled into Campbell's hand. "He seems to like you."

"Barney said you rescued him." Atlanta looked up to Barnaby who had a huge smile on his face.

He liked the fact that even though Campbell and Atlanta met mere moments ago, they got along like they knew each other for years. Truthfully, he was more anxious for Atlanta to met Campbell rather than their father. Atlanta's approval meant more to him than his fathers did.

"I did. This little guy was scared. I didn't want to leave him." She turned to look at him and noticed that Campbell was already looking at Barnaby. "B told me a lot about you."

"Did he now? All good I hope." Campbell chuckled as he sat on the couch next to Barnaby and wrapped his arm around the back of where he was sat.

"All good. I promise." She smiled. "He told me you were a Pogue." Atlanta smiled.

Campbell stiffened slightly. He never knew how to react when people called him a pogue. Kooks we're all different. Some didn't care and others hated pogues and avoided them like the plague.

"Oh, don't worry, Atlanta has a huge crush on a Pogue." Barney teased.

"Shut up Barney!" Atlanta gasped covering her now blushing face.

"Anyone I might know?" He sat up straight as he questioned the girl curiously, he had wondered who had caught the brunettes eye.

"Umm, probably not." Atlanta shook her head. "You two crazy kids have fun." She paused once again. "But not too much fun! I'm going to bed. Night."

"Night Attie." Barnaby said as he rested his head on Campbell's shoulder.

"Sleep well." Campbell shouted with a simile as Atlanta and Patch headed to her room.

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