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Atlanta stood between JJ's legs, his arms wrapped around her shoulders and his head heading on hers. Kie had found John B and immediately called JJ to come to the Chateau, JJ of course brought Atlanta, which Kie hated.

"You sure he got everything?" Kie questioned, her eyes flickering over to the couple.

The brunette wanted to scoff in response and ask what her problem was, but she remained quiet.

"Every bar. The whole enchilada." John B grunted as he pulled off his cast. "Look, it's not like I expected a happy ending or some shit." He said throwing the cast across the deck.

"John B-" Kie was cut off by John B talking.

"What Kie?" He questioned snappily. "It's a hairline fracture. Who cares?" John B informed the girl with a shrug.

"You should care. Your arms gonna be messed up for life." Kie warned the boy, but he had lost hope.

Ever since he found out his dad had died he had become more reckless and impulsive. He didn't care what he did. He didn't care if he ended up in the foster cafe system or in jail.

He'd lost his dad.

"It's fine. See?" He said as he moved his fingers and waved at Atlanta, making her lightly chuckle.

"You think that's funny?" Kie snapped towards the girl angrily.

Atlanta rolled her eyes and let out a loud scoff. She didn't understand why Kie hated her so much. Kie was okay with Sarah now, so why not Atlanta too?

"Chill out, Kie." JJ said placing a light kiss on Atlanta's temple. Atlanta smiled up to the boy. Kie rolled her eyes and stayed quiet.

"Guys. Guys. Oh God. I ran all the way here." Pope screamed as he ran down the dock, he was sweating and breathless.

"You need to shower." Atlanta grimaced, resting her head on JJ's chest, he traced light patterns on her arms.

"You alright?" John B questioned his panting best friend. He didn't bother to move or even turn to face Pope.

"How was the interview Pope?" JJ questioned curiously, give Atlanta's forearm a light squeeze.

"Don't ask." He shook his head in response.

Pope didn't want to admit that he ran out of the interview after telling Kie how important it was to him and how he had worked his whole life for a moment like that. He'd be too embarrassed.

"JB. Look, I'm sorry dude. About everything." Pope apologised.

"It's fine." John B merely shrugged. It wasn't fine.

"But-but I don't have a lot of time, and I have information that is tactically relevant. So, before I had my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private airstrip to cut palms for Cameron's big plane. Because it was too heavy, it needed a longer landing strip to take off." Pope ranted and John B slowly sat up. "So I'm there sitting in my interview, thing to myself, 'hm why would Cameron need a longer airstrip to take off?' What could be so heavy to weight it down?'"

"Oh my God, you are a genius Pope." Atlanta smiled widely.

She broke away from JJ and wrapped her arms around Pope. Pope stumbled back in shock slightly but hugged the girl back. She quickly placed a light kiss on his cheek. Pope couldn't help but blush. Atlanta made her way back to JJ with a soft smile.

"Gold." JJ answered, wrapping his arms around Atlanta once again. He liked that she got on with most of his friends.

"Exactly!" Pope said as he did a weird dance which made Atlanta stifle laugh. "Guys this is our chance, but it leaves tonight, and we have to go."

"Guys we can't give up now." Kie smiled happily, they had a chance at finding the gold again.

"Why's the plan big man?" JJ questioned John B.

"We're gonna steal that shit back." John B smirked, he was back to his usual mischievous self again. The Pogues and Atlanta all ran down the dock and towards the van, letting out the random yell or excited cheer.

Atlanta sat beside Pope as she watched JJ load his gun. She still hated that he had a gun, but he reassured her that he was only bringing it incase things went south and he wouldn't use it unless he absolutely needed too, despite what he was saying.

"We go in there, guns a-blazin', make Ward Cameron beg for mercy, abscond with as much gold as possible and vámonos, get the hell out of there." JJ said, throwing a quick and playful wink towards Atlanta, which made her blush.

"Send that shit right down the intracoastal." John B nodded as he drove them down to the private air strip.

"Wait for the weather." Kie continued, almost as if it was rehearsed.

"Exit to Cuba." Pope said looking towards Kie.

"Cuba?" JJ chuckled. "No Man, Xcalak, Jewel of the Yucatan. Lobsters so thick, mangoes and no word for money."

"You're obsessed with Yucatan." Atlanta said with a half hearted chuckle.

She didn't want to say anything to the Pogues, but she doubted she would leave Outer banks. As much as she hated the place, her brother was here, her father, Campbell and even her mother, in a way, was still here. She wasn't sure she could say goodbye.

"Yes I am." JJ smiled up to the pretty brunette.

"Lets do this shit." John B hollered.

The rest of the ride was quiet, nobody said anything. They just let John B drive towards the private air strip.

Atlanta wondered what would happen to her if her dad found out what she was doing, or even Barnaby. Would they be mad? Disappointed? Angry?

The brunette looked to JJ with a smile, he had his cap on. Atlanta hated when he wore caps, mainly because she loved his soft blonde hair and how it flopped in front of his face.

She truly loved the boy and she wasn't sure she could let him go. She knew if they actually got a hold of the gold, JJ wouldn't stay in Outer Banks. Atlanta knew that he'd probably ask her to come.

She just knew she couldn't.

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