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"JJ? JJ are you here?" Atlanta questioned as she burst into the Wreck. It was pitch black and she wasn't expecting anyone to be there, not really.

Atlanta let out a scream once arms wrapped around her waist and pulled her into their chest. She felt her heart begin to race as she tried to squirm out of the tight grip.

"It's just me, shhh, it's just me." JJ whispered into her ear as his hand covered her mouth. Atlanta let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. "You're okay." He removed his hand from her mouth. "Kie, turn the lights back on."

The lights flickered back on and Atlanta squinted until her eyes adjusted to the brightness.

"John B's safe, Kelce trapped him in his cupboard and Topper helped me let him go while Kelce went to get my da-" Atlanta felt like they needed to know that John B was okay and alive. They needed to know that he wasn't arrested -yet-  for a murder that he didn't commit.

"Wait. Did you just say Topper?" Kie questioned cutting Atlanta off from her small rant. The group felt slightly at ease knowing that John B was safe-ish.

"Why did Topper help?" Pope questioned, scratching the top of his head, even he couldn't come up with a good enough reason as to why Topper would help John B escape.

Atlanta smiled and grabbed JJ's hand, she placed a light kiss on his knuckles, before saying, "He kinda confessed that he was in love with me at the Hawks nest." JJ clenched his jaw and tried his hardest to remain clam. Atlanta turned to face JJ. "Don't worry, I told him that he loved Sarah not me, and then I drove him home in silence."

JJ nodded, he trusted Atlanta. He didn't think she would do anything to hurt him. He knew that Atlanta didn't think of Topper that way, but that didn't stop him from being jealous.

"Attie, a word please?" JJ questioned tugging lightly on Atlanta's arm and leading her into the bathroom.

"J-" Atlanta was cut off by JJ slamming her against the wall, how nostrils flared slightly but Atlanta knew his anger wasn't directed at her. "Are you jealous?" Atlanta smirked teasingly.

JJ pushed some of Atlanta's hair out of the way and began to kiss down her neck. Atlanta let out a breathless moan as she wrapped her arms around JJ's neck.

JJ pulled away and hovered over her lips slightly. "Jealous you is hot." Atlanta admitted. "But I think we should get back to the oth-"

"Trust me, they won't miss us." JJ said tilting her head up to make her look at him. His eyes flickered to her soft lips, he let his thumb twang her bottom lip.

Atlanta looked up to the boy through her lashes, her heart was pounding. His blue eyes were only focused on her lips. One hand rested against the wall, holding him up right and the other was on her chin, making her look at him.

She threaded her fingers through his hair and pulled him closer so that their noses brushed together and their breaths mingled.

JJ didn't hesitate in connecting their lips together. He had missed her. He grabbed her wrists and pinned them above her head, Atlanta moaned into his lips. JJ smirked and one of his hands traveled down to her waist and pulled her closer to him.

Atlanta felt weak to the knees. Her stomach was flipping. She felt so nervous and excited. JJ's hand slowly made its way up her top.

The brunette pulled away and attached her lips to his neck, making JJ let out a small moan. "Atlanta."

"Hmm?" Atlanta hummed in response. The brunette pulled away with a smirk at the hickey forming on his neck. "Come on lover boy, they'll be missing us." Atlanta said as she lead him out of the bathroom. JJ groaned but followed the girl out and back into the restaurant.

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