vii. redfield lighthouse

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          AFTER THE TWO MEN HAD LEFT THE CHATEAU AFTER STORMING IN AND STEALING BIG JOHN'S BELONGINGS AND THE POGUE'S WERE IN THE CLEAR, THE GROUP HAD CRAWLED OUT OF THE CHICKEN COOP THEY HAD BEEN HIDING IN. Thankfully, Juliet had calmed down by this point and had stopped panicking. She hadn't felt safe, not completely, but she had felt better than she had before knowing the men had gone. Hopefully the men had found what they had been after so they wouldn't be back for Juliet and her friends anytime soon. 

Either during or after crawling out of the chicken coop, John B had come to realise what the words carved into his fathers compass might have meant. The lighthouse on the island was called Redfield. He'd told the others that they needed to go somewhere but didn't say anything else. Juliet expected to be able to go home after what had happened but John B needed her, he needed his friends. And as much as no one believed in the slightest that John B's dad was still alive, they were not about to let John B do any of it alone.

But before they left, Juliet had asked if she could borrow a shirt from John B just to cover up. Juliet headed inside the Chateau when John B told her it was okay, she probably didn't even need to ask but she was just making sure, and the others waited outside for her.

While the Pogues were waiting on Juliet, Kiara felt like it had been a perfect opportunity to talk to JJ. "Have you apologised yet?" Kiara turned to face the boy, who had a confused expression now across his face. "To Juliet? For what you said to her at the Kegger? Or did you just forget about that, because she sure as hell hasn't." Kiara knew that what JJ said had upset Juliet, more than she'd probably like to admit. And Kiara thought the whole situation between them had gone too far.

"When have you ever known JJ to apologise." Pope scoffed. He thought Kiara was wasting her time talking to JJ about apologising, it wasn't going to happen.

JJ let out a laugh, Pope was right. His eyes then focused back on Kiara, who was still waiting for a response. "No, I haven't apologised." JJ told her. That whole night had already slipped his mind, he hadn't really thought much about what he'd said to Juliet. But he knew what he had said was wrong but he didn't really think Juliet would be too upset about it, it wasn't like she wasn't shouting at him either but the look on Kiara's face let him know that it really must've hurt her.

"Well you should. And for whatever else you've done. I'm sick of you two arguing and not being friends. It's stupid." Kiara told him. She'd had enough of them not being their usual selves and acting like they hated each other. The two were supposed to be best friends and now they weren't even talking, which upset Kiara because she knew it upset Juliet.

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