xxi. morning boat rides

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          THE NEXT MORNING, AFTER SARAH HAD CALMED DOWN FROM HER LITTLE SPAT WITH KIARA, JOHN B HAD MANAGED TO PERSUADE HER THAT A DAY OUT ON THE WATER RELAXING WAS WHAT THEY HAD NEEDED. And luckily, Sarah agreed. She even managed to let her father take one of their boats out. Juliet didn't know how early they had planned on going out that morning however, all she knew was that they were going to be waiting for her on the dock at the bottom of her garden sometime that morning.

So Juliet just decided to wake up at her usual time she woke up and got ready at her own pace. She ate breakfast with her sister and then got dressed, she threw on a black bikini and colourful floral summer dress. She felt like she at least needed to make an effort if Sarah was going to be there, she didn't need her judging her old worn jean shorts and dirty converse. Juliet didn't like wearing her nice clothes while out with the Pogues because they usually ended up doing something that got them dirty. So she was making an effort, just for Sarah. Something Juliet didn't think she would ever be doing.

It was around 11am when the boat pulled up at the dock. Juliet was standing in front of her mirror adjusting the straps of her dress so she hadn't noticed. Once the boat had gotten to a complete standstill, JJ jumped off the boat and started making his way up the dock into the backyard of Juliet's house. He probably should've waited to see if Juliet came out before walking up her back garden and into her house but he'd done it before, what was the difference now?

He pushed open the back doors that lead him into a large room that had a dining table placed directly in the middle of it. Addison was sitting at the end closest to JJ, with her sketchbook opened in front of her. The girl liked drawing and was extremely good at it, something she had learnt to do from her older brother who had been taught by their father.

JJ had smiled at the younger girl once she turned her head to look at him. "Hey Addy." He greeted her and she smiled back.

"Hey." Addison replied before smirking and turning back to her sketchbook. "Your girlfriend is upstairs." She said in a teasing tone. It wasn't the first time Addison had said something like that to JJ, she liked teasing the two.

JJ had laughed as he shook his head, walking past Addison. "Thanks blondie." He walked behind her, reaching up and ruffling her hair before walking out of the room and into the hallway where the stairs were located. JJ was about to ascend the stairs but footsteps at the top stopped him. He looked up to see Juliet rushing down, trying not to trip as she held her bag in one hand and a towel in the other. 

"I'm here! I'm here! Sorry I'm late." Juliet breathed out heavily as she reached the bottom of the stairs. She didn't know that JJ and the others had only just arrived, she assumed they'd been waiting a while for her and that's why JJ came in to get her.

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