xix. old houses

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THE POGUES WASTED NO TIME IN GETTING BACK INTO JOHN B'S VAN TO DRIVE TO WHEREVER THE MAP WAS LEADING THEM TO AFTER BEING AT BATTERY JASPER. Pope was in the front of the van with John B, using the map to tell him where to go, while JJ, Juliet and Kiara sat in the back together.

The five ended up on an old dirt road that ran along the back of the Crain house. They were all aware of Mrs Crain who lived in the house, some had heard stories about her growing up and none of them could say they were pleased that's where they'd ended up.

"That looks like a stone wall to me." JJ had said, looking out the back window as John B stopped the van outside the back of the house.

"This is it." Pope said, looking up at the large house they were now outside of.

"Not the Crain house." John B mumbled to himself, almost feeling a chill run down his spine. The Crain house had always creeped him out.

Juliet was first out the van, squinting up at the house. "Are you kidding me?" Her voice was laced with annoyance. She wasn't scared of the Crain house but it certainly gave her the creeps. And how were they supposed to find anything while also worrying about being caught by the old lady.

"Worst case scenario." JJ added, looking up at the house too.

Pope and the others had joined JJ and Juliet in looking up at the old house. "Why did it have to be here, of all places?" He questioned, not feeling at all pleased at where they had ended up.

JJ had turned his head to look at Pope. "I heard that Mrs Crain buried her husbands head on the property." JJ told him, his face blank so Pope couldn't even tell if he was just winding him up or not.

Kiara was the first to move and climb over the stone wall into the back garden of the house. Juliet followed and the boys weren't too far behind. It was overgrown and messy, which wasn't surprising to any of them. Juliet had to watch every step she took to make sure she didn't step on anything.

"You guys know who's house this is, right?" Kiara spoke, leading the group through the garden. Juliet wasn't too far behind her with JJ directly behind her, he couldn't have been any closer if he tried.

"Oh yeah, no, I do." JJ quickly said.

"Honestly, I don't really believe the stories of this place." John B spoke up from the back, making the boys turn around to look at him and almost stop.

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