x. flashbacks

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JULIET HAD NEVER LIKE ADMITTING TO THINGS, ADMITTING SHE'D DONE ANYTHING WRONG, ADMITTING TO ANY SECRETS SHE HAD. It made the girl uncomfortable. So having to admit to Kiara the real reason as to why her and JJ weren't the same anymore wasn't the most pleasant conversation Juliet had ever had. Arguably, it was probably the worst. Even worse when Juliet was caught smoking weed with JJ once at home by Paul and she had to explain to him why her room had smelt of marijuana. And even worse when Juliet had once bumped into Luke Maybank after JJ hadn't been home in close to five days and the man was asking her where his son was.

And Juliet had felt even worse when she'd seen Kiara's reaction. The girl was absolutely gobsmacked. Utterly surprised. There was no way Kiara would have even guessed it. Especially when she didn't see why it had lead to the two not being friends anymore. "You two did what?" Kiara's voice had echoed through The Wreck making Juliet wince. She could tell Kiara was mad. Shocked too, but mad at Juliet for keeping it a secret from her for this long about something so serious. Kiara was supposed to be one of her best friends. She should have known.

Juliet let out a sigh, avoiding eye contact with the girl sitting opposite her. "Listen, I'm sorry I never told you and I feel so bad about it. Especially after you told me straight away that John B kissed you. Trust me, I wanted to tell you more than anything." Juliet told Kiara. And it was true, the first thing she wanted to do was call Kiara but she couldn't, it wasn't as easy as that.

"Why didn't you?" Kiara didn't understand why she couldn't just tell her.

"Because I didn't know if he wanted anyone to know. He made it very clear to me that it meant nothing so I just thought keeping my mouth shut was the best idea." Juliet explained. "I'm sorry, Kie." Juliet apologised again, tears welling up in her blue eyes. She really feel awful for keeping it from her. That mixed with having to relive it almost while telling Kiara made Juliet a little emotional.

Kiara saw that Juliet was getting upset so she quickly switched seats and sat down beside Juliet, taking hold of her hand to comfort her. "Hey, no. It's okay." Kiara told her. "I'm gonna kick his ass, I hope you know that." Kiara then said, trying to cheer her up but Juliet just shook her head.

"You can't tell him that I told you." Juliet looked up at Kiara, her eyes still filled with tears.

"Why not?" Kiara frowned.

"You've seen the way he acts towards me now, that just says it all. It's obvious he regrets what happened and I think he'd prefer if no one knew, so just don't say anything, please." Juliet begged her. She didn't need another reason for JJ to hate her, she couldn't deal with the arguing and she knew if he found out that Kiara knew, he'd kick off.

Kiara sighed and nodded. She understood. "Alright, I won't but you need to talk to him because I don't think you know the whole story." Kiara told her. She didn't think Juliet was seeing the whole picture. JJ didn't like talking about his feelings, they all knew that so what's to say he wasn't keeping some from Juliet? They all had eyes, they could all see the way JJ acted around Juliet. Or more the way he used to act around Juliet. There was more to it than Juliet realised.

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