xii. deep dives

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JULIET HAD ALWAYS FOUND THAT SHE SLEPT BETTER OUTSIDE DURING THE SUMMER. She was sure most people probably did. It was much cooler outside, despite the fact that Juliet did have working air conditioning in her room, it wasn't the same as feeling a breeze. So spending the night on the hammock, Juliet slept till the sun came up. She didn't wake up once in the middle of the night, which wasn't like Juliet at all. But maybe it had something to do with the fact that she had JJ beside her. She did always sleep better when he was there, it was like her body could sense his presence.

The girl had woken up before JJ that next morning and had managed to get off the hammock without waking the boy up before she had headed inside the Chateau. Juliet was desperate to use the bathroom and find something to eat, if John B even had any food. That's when Juliet realised John B wasn't inside. She quickly grabbed a drink and managed to find a packet of Pop Tarts at the back of one of the cupboards in the kitchen. After heating them up, Juliet headed back outside to see where John B was. She spotted his head of messy brown hair on the dock so Juliet snuck back past JJ and headed down to sit with John B.

"Morning." Juliet announced her presence as she sat down beside John B with the Pop Tart in her hand. John B had watched Juliet sit down, giving her a smile before his eyes focused on her hand.

"Didn't even know there were any Pop Tarts left in there. JJ normally eats them all." John B said, laughing. "How'd you sleep?" John B tried keeping the smirk off his face but he couldn't help it. He knew Juliet wasn't going to be happy with him leaving her outside with JJ.

"Don't even. You really are evil for leaving us out there alone all night. Brave too. I might have murdered him while he slept." Juliet told John B before taking a bite of the strawberry flavoured Pop Tart. It wasn't Juliet's favourite flavour but she was too hungry to complain.

"Maybe I was hoping you two would make up instead." John B admitted with a smile on his face. There was really no other reason why he left them where they had fallen asleep. Deep down he hoped that maybe the two would talk, seen as that was the first time in weeks they'd been alone. It was just a shame they were both asleep.

"You know that's not going to happen till he stops arguing with me every chance he gets." Juliet told John B.

"Well, you haven't argued in a couple of days, maybe he's trying." John B suggested but Juliet just shook her head. She didn't believe JJ was ever going to try and talk to her about what happened. But John B knew JJ was trying.

The two teenagers sat in silence after that as they stared out into the water, watching the sun get higher in the sky. Neither of them had anything to say, they were just enjoying each others company. Until John B started thinking about his father.

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