xxiv. fairy light covered trees

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          AFTER JULIET'S LITTLE BREAKDOWN OUTSIDE OF BARRY'S PLACE, JOHN B HAD DROVE THEM ALL BACK TO THE WRECK. Kiara told him that it wasn't open so it was free for them to sit and talk. Not that Juliet wanted to talk, she was still annoyed at them all for making JJ feel the need to run off on his own and now they had no idea where he was. And Juliet knew there was a chance, a big chance, he'd gone home and she hated to think what would happen if he had.

"Look, he'll come around, all right? It's....he's doing a JJ thing." John B told the group, watching as Juliet continued to pace in front of the table him, Sarah and Kiara were sitting at.

"You think he'll go home?" Kiara asked, looking from John B to Pope.

Pope almost shook his head. "There's about a zero percent chance that JJ goes home." He told her but Juliet didn't agree. He had the money to pay his restitution, why wouldn't he go home?

"He might. If he has the money, he might give it to his dad for the restitution." Juliet said, stopping in front of Pope. It was the first time she'd stopped since they'd gotten there. Juliet could never stay still when she was worried.

No one had replied to Juliet, knowing she was probably right. And even if they didn't agree, they weren't going to argue with her. No one knew JJ like Juliet did, it would be pointless to argue with her about it.

The group was silent, apart from Sarah and John B whispering to each other, till Pope spoke up about the gold. Juliet had almost forgotten that's what the whole thing was over. "Okay. It's too dangerous to pawn this thing off piecemeal. So our best bet is to go down there and get the rest of it. Bring it all up at once. Put it in a safe or a vault or something. I don't know. Just until we can find someone who won't rip us off." He told them, standing in front of the table that the others were sitting on, mostly looking at John B. "I can go figure it out tonight, get it all done and we can be out there as early as tomorrow morning." He said, making up the plan in his head on the spot.

"All right, let's do it." John B said, agreeing with Pope and nodding his head.


But it wasn't that easy. "What about that thing with my dad?" Sarah asked John B, making him remember what he agreed to.

He suddenly remembered that he agreed to hand out with Ward the next morning. "Shit." He mumbled, making the others look at him confused.

"What thing?" Juliet asked, crossing her arms over her chest and titling her head to the side.

"I have to go fishing with Ward." He told her, looking around before meeting her stare.

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