Chapter 1

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The Kooks were all at the boneyard, along with the Tourons and the Pogues. The kooks stayed in their little spot, where they were all hanging out and messing around. Jade and Rafe were sitting down under a palm tree, just enjoying the night and the beautiful sight in front of them.

"How's the thing with your dad going?" Jade asks, taking a sip out of her red solo cup.

"Shit." Rafe says, remembering that he spent the generator money on the bike. He had gotten the bike on an impulse.

"What? What happened?" Jade asks, seeing that her boyfriend was stressed out.

"You know that bike I got?" He asks.

"Yeah." She nods.

"I bought it with the generator money." Rafe says.

"What? We just had a hurricane, they'll be on backorder for months." Jade says, freaking out.

"Fuck." Rafe says, running a hand through his hair.

"You really need to stop using that gel in your hair." Jade says, leaning over and fixing his hair. 

He then took her face in his palms and kissed her, trailing kisses and soft love bites down her neck and collarbone.

They were interrupted by the chants of the crowd around them.

"What the hell? Is that Top?" Jade asks, seeing the crowd of people who circled around a couple boys who were fighting.

"What'd those dumbass Pogues do now?" Rafe sighs. 

The two got up and broke through the crowd to see the fight.

Jade froze. It was her old group of friends fighting her new group of friends. She hadn't talked to them in almost a year.

"C'mon guys let's go." Sarah says, not wanting the situation to escalate.

"You know what? I'll take it." Topper says.

"Yeah I wasn't offering you any. Maybe you should say pretty please next time." JJ says, snarky.

"She doesn't want it you dirty Pogues." Topper says, slapping the drink out of JJ's hand, which spilled onto him. Topper and JJ started swinging at each other before John B intervened. Kelce was standing on the side, watching the fight and ready to jump in if needed.

"Babe, babe, babe stop it." Sarah says as she tries to separate the two boys as John B lunges at Topper in the water.

"John B let him go man!" Pope yells.

"Don't!" Jade says to Rafe, who jumped into the action as soon as he saw Topper was losing.

"Rafe!" Jade yells, frustrated.

"Sarah we gotta stop this! They're fucking idiots!" Jade says to Sarah, who was just standing there yelling at Top.

"Stop it!" Kiara yells.

"Kelce!" Jade yells for her brother, who met eye contact with her across the sand.

"Stop them!" Jade yells, pointing at them, but all she got was a shrug from her brother.

"Oh my god he's drowning him." Sarah says as she watches the two rumble. Topper and Rafe were winning and John B wasn't looking so good.

"Hey, hey!" Jade says, running straight into the fight, where Topper and Rafe were going in on John B.

"Babe, come on! You won! Let go." Jade says, pulling Rafe off John B. Who was out of breath from all the punches he threw.

He had calmed down, until JJ ran up to Topper and put a gun to his head.

Identity Theft - Rafe Cameron - JJ Maybank - (An Outer Banks AU)Where stories live. Discover now