Chapter 21

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"So you found the gold?" Sarah asks.

"You actually did it?" Jade asks, surprised.

"Yes." John B says.

"But under an axe murderer's house?" Sarah asks, referring to the Crain house.

"Well- yeah. Kind of." John B says.

"I mean can you blame her? Her husband must've done something to get killed by an axe. I'm not saying killing isn't bad but he probably deserved it." Jade says.

"Ignore her, she dumped Rafe and gave up on boys." Sarah says.

"Didn't you cheat on Topper with John B?" Jade snaps.

"I mean the only thing is that the well is like super sketchy deep." John B says trying to avoid the conflict while they were all walking together back to his house.

"Kinda wish I was with you guys." Sarah says.

"You guys will be there for real tonight." John B reassures Sarah.

"Is it okay?" Sarah asks.

"Yeah, of course." John B lies. He kinda just hoped everything would go together somehow.

"What? Vlad and Val gotta be together right?" John B asks.

"No- no I mean with the others." Sarah brings up the rest of the pogues.

"Oh no, this isn't gonna end well. I'm not working with JJ!" Jade says.

"J it's been a year. He misses you." John B says.

"He slept with another girl when he told me he had feelings for me the day before!" Jade says.

"What?" Sarah asks, confused.

"I really need to think about my choices in guys." Jade sighs.

"J, Sarah. Everything's fine." John B says, Sarah couldn't help but feel like she was being lied to. There was no way Kiara would agree to it"What?" He asks.

"Kiara said something didn't she?" Sarah asks.

"N-no." John B says, in a higher pitch. He was lying.

"You're the worst liar I've ever seen." Sarah says.

"He's lying. I always know when he lies." Jade says, exposing John B.

"I'm not lying-" He was cut off by Sarah.

"Look, if she's gonna get territorial-" Sarah was cut off by John B.

"Hey, hey- just listen alright? You're a part of this too. You got us that Tannyhill map. Once we get with everybody they're gonna be excited. I promise." John B says, Sarah couldn't help but feel like she was walking into a trap.


"No fucking way! So what? You brought them here so they're in on this now?" Kiara yells. The pogues along with Sarah and Jade were all on John B's front porch at the chateau. 

"Well aren't you an angel?" Jade comments. 

John B looked to the boys for some type of support.

"I dunno." Pope says, shrugging.

"Look, all I care about is that her cut comes outta your share." JJ says, pointing at Sarah.

" JJ says, pointing at Sarah

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Identity Theft - Rafe Cameron - JJ Maybank - (An Outer Banks AU)Where stories live. Discover now