Chapter 17

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Stephan looked at me like I was fucking insane. I looked back at him and shrugged my shoulders and awkwardly smiled at him. He quickly put my hand on his elbow and lead me to where the waiter was going. 

Once we were seated, the waiter quickly introduced himself and asked us what we would like to drink, "Que voulez-vous boire?"

Stephan looked at me, "What do you want to drink?"

"Wine, red"

"Vin, rouge s'il vous plaît" I told the man, and he nodded and walked off.

Once he was out of sight, Stephan looked at me expectantly. I tried to look everywhere but his eyes but once I felt his hand squeeze my thigh from across the table I looked at him.

I told him briefly about when I was younger and how my parents took me to France every summer. He nodded along asking questions about the country and I couldn't really answer. I don't really remember much from then, but all I really can remember is how it was warm and never really got hot. I also remember a friend I made, her name was Maddie; I haven't talked to her in probably 12 years.

"I have always wanted to visit. Out of the tens of countries I have been too, France is not one of them," Stephan spoke "we should visit there."

"Yeah, we should" I couldn't help but smile at meeting Maddie again.

The red wine arrived and the waiter poured us our drinks and asked us what we would like to eat, "Que voudriez-vous manger?" 

"Il aura du steak et des asperges avec de la purée de pommes, et j'aurai la salade niçoise."

The waiter nodded and walked to the kitchen to ring n the order and quickly made his way to other tables.

"So, what did you order for you and I?" Stephan questioned

"I got you your typical meal: steak, asparagus, and potatoes, and I got salade niçoise" I said

"Salad ne-swahs?"

"Yeah, a Nicosia salad; it's just a bed of lettuce with potatoes, green beans, eggs, tomatoes, radishes, olives and tuna on top." 

"Did you eat this 'ne-swahs' salad a lot when you were in France?"

"Yeah, almost everyday maddie and I would eat it" I chuckled lightly, "My parents said it would keep me skinny."

Stephans grip on his wine glass tightened, and his hand was tight around mine. I continued to stare down and look at myself. Do I need to lose weight? I could lose a pound or two, or maybe twenty. I am 156 pounds, maybe he'll like me better if I was 106 pounds. It's official, starting tomorrow I am going to go on a diet. I could really use it.

I quickly downed my wine when Stephan's grip on my hand was almost unbearably tight. Luckily, our food came quickly, and Stephan let go. We ate in silence, but it wasn't an awkward silence, more of like a confused one. I'm sure Stephan must feel the same way I feel about my body. 

"Look baby, you are beautiful the way you are. Your parents are idiots for what they were putting inside your young mind. Those aren't real parents, they're sad excuses of people and absolutely unfit to raise children fo their own. I know how you're feeling, my dad used to make me eat and eat to bulk up. I was such a skinny child, my dad wanted me to be strong so he made me work out everyday and constantly eat protein like steak and chicken. I'm glad to be the way I am today, but he didn't have to push me like that."

"Thanks Stephan, you always know the right thing to say." 

Stephan finally opened up to me about his past, it is something small but something is better than nothing. We continued eating in silence until Stephan did something totally weird. He took his fork and picked something up off my plate and popped it in his mouth. I look umm at him angrily, and he just gave me a confused face.


"Stephan, you can't go eating around my plate like that!" I whisper yelled

"Babe, calm down, ok? It's a sign over ownership my world. The don takes a piece of food from the donna during the meal to show ownership to other men."

"You don't own me"

"Sorry tesoro, but you're mine now" he winked.

I shut up and we quickly ate our food and ordered dessert, "deux crème brûlée s'il vous plaît."

Stephan and I quickly got back into light conversation while we waited for our dessert. 

"Tell me more about Maddie, tesoro"

"Well Maddie and I were like sisters, attached to hip basically. She's the one who taught me French, actually. I taught her English too, but she never really picked it up like I did with French. We used to live next door to each other. She lived in this little cottage, while I lived in the 4 story home. She had nothing, so when ever she would come over I would give her food and other things for her family. She was fairly short and had golden blonde hair. Now that I think about it, she had an older brother too. His name was... Gavin! Gavin was such a cutie, I remember crushing over him when I was young" I end shortly because Stephan gripped my knee under the table.

"Darling, don't ever speak about a man the way you just did" Stephan stood up and grabbed my hand. He pulled out his wallet and slapped four hundreds on the table. 

Stephan quickly pulled me out of our area and out the front door of the restaurant. He quickly walked to the car and opened the door for me. I got in and he slammed it shut just missing my fingers. He walked around to the other side and go in. He turned on the car and back out f the restaurant parking lot. 

Stephan sped through the highway as if he had 9 lives which caused me to put my hand on his shoulder. I don't really want to touch him right now because he's being a dick, an over protective jerk.

As soon as we got home I didn't want to wait for him to open my door so I got out of his car and slammed the door shut. I speed walked to the front door and opened it. I saw Stephan two steps behind me so I tried to slam the door, but his foot got caught in the doorway.

"What's your problem?" Stephan asked as if I did something wrong. 

"My problem? You mean your problem you over protective jerk! You're been a total dick to me because I said one thing about another guy I met how many fucking years ago?" I was interrupted when John walked in the room with Jason trailing behind him like a lovesick puppy.

As soon as they felt the tension in the room, they quickly tried to leave but I stopped them.

"Hey John! If you were my boyfriend and I told you about a guy I met probably 10 years ago would you get all pissy?"

"Um, I don't want to get involved." He responded awkwardly

I rolled my eyes and ripped off my heels and threw them on the ground along with my clutch and shawl. I quickly ran up the stairs with Stephan hot on my tail. I ran into a random room and slammed the door. I locked it and sat on the bed with my head in my hands. Why the hell is he so angry all the time? It's like he thinks I'm cheating on him. 

All of a sudden I hear a violent crash in another room. That crash was followed by another, and another. I stood up abruptly and opened the door. I followed the sound to Stephan and I's room. I quickly swung open the door only for my face to be met with a fist. A really hard one too.

And before I knew it, the lights went out.


Hey guys! Sorry I haven't posted in a little while, but I wanted to push this juicy chapter out to you guys! I hope this gets you guys excited for my next chapter. I plan to upload again this week. As always yalls support is amazing and we are growing everyday. We are almost at 10,000 reads! This is totally crazy! I never thought that writing a Wattpad book would bring so much emotion to me. Being a writer is something I aspire to be. It's getting harder and harder to contain myself every time I see my reads, votes, and comment go up. I love you guys and thank you again for the endless support! Gotta blast

- jackie  


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