Chapter 18

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I felt the sun burning my dry eyes from under my eyelids. My mind tells me to open my eyes, but my body refuses to work. And my nose hurts like a bitch.

I push through my barrier and open my eyes widely. I am in a hospital room, with Jason sitting in one chair asleep, and a strange but handsome man sitting next to him. Maybe he's Jason's new boy toy.

"J-Jason," I squeak out "water please."

The handsome mans eyes basically pop open and he rushes to my side in an instant. Oddly enough, his sent is familiar. 

"Oh, baby, thank you! You have been out for a week, and I have been waiting here for you, mia amore."

"Water" I repeat, and he hands me a glass of water which instantly soothes my dry throat.

"Baby, my love-" I cut him off,

"Who are you? Why are you calling me baby? How do you know Italian? Are you a friend of my grandfathers? He spoke Italian very well. Are you two allies or something?"

"Baby, what on Earth are you talking about?"

"Stop calling me that! I am not your baby! What the hell am I even doing here?" I whisper-scream

"Kels, calm down. I am your boyfriend, Stephan?" He pauses and looks into my eyes, "Remember..." he trails off

"I'm sorry sir, I don't know a Stephan. Where is my father, and my grandfather?" I question him, "Did you take them? Are they being held here?" 

"Kelly what is the matter with you?"

"What is the matter with you? Who are you-" 

I quickly stop talking once he takes a step towards me, he's concealing a gun. I can just tell by the way he is walking, and showing himself. He had a gun tucked into the back of his pants, a revolver at his right ankle, and a knife on the side of his belt.

"Come here" I beckon him and he steps forward. 

I wrap my arms around his waist as if I am giving him a hug, and I grab the knife with my left hand, and the gun with my right and quickly push him away, aiming the gun at his head. His hands fly up surrendering.  

"Put your throw away on the floor" his head cocks to the side and he reaches down to his right ankle and put it on the floor and straightens back up. 

Right as my finger slides from the barrel onto the trigger, I look him in the eyes. Suddenly all the memories hit my like a brick wall and before I know it the gun slips out of my hand and onto the floor. 

I just pointed a gun at Stephy. My Stephy. The one who I love with all my heart; I was going to shoot him. I was this close. What the fuck was I thinking? Where did all of this come from?


"Kelly, baby" He runs to me and wraps his arms around me.

"I'm sorry, I am so sorry."

"We are going to have a talk Kelly, once you leave this place" Stephan throws on a serious place, and replaces all his weapons to their correct spots.

I nod and quickly ask "What the hell happened?"

Stephan explains what happened the night that he punched me. He said I was mad that he tore me out of a restaurant because I was talking about another man. I apparently walked to a random room and locked the door. Stephan was mad that he made me upset and he started to tear apart our whole room. He was punching the wall and went for the door as soo as I opened it. He his me square in the nose and the lights went out for me. 

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