Chapter 12

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Stephan ended up taking me to the most high-end mall I have ever seen. Everything I would touch, even look at, he would throw into the basket. It didn't matter what it was, or how expensive it was, hell he didn't even look at the price tag. This man must be loaded, well I mean yeah, the fucking mafia. 

Anyway, we're walking down all the halls of the mall, and I noticed Victoria Secret on the right of me. Stephan immediately took notice of the store too and tried to drag me in there.

I planted my feet on the ground and said "No way! You're not going in there with me. I can't even bring Jason in here!"

"Why are you bringing Jason in here?"

"That's not the point! Stand out here, or I am not going in at all."

"Fine" Stephan gritted with his arms crossed over his chest.

I put the bags I was holding down on the ground next to Stephan. His arms were flexed and I really didn't want to leave him, but it's so awkward with guys in that store.

I walked in and was immediately greeted with a woman who offer to measure me and give me my bra size. I don't know what mine is so I let her do it. She told me I was a 34 D. I skipped around looking at everything in the store until my phone started ringing. 


"Hi darling, you forgot my card" Stephan said

"No I didn't forget, I just didn't take it"

"Kelly, take my card or I'm coming in there!"

"Hello? I think you're breaking up. Gotta go!" and I hung up, jeez.

I grabbed a few bras and then looked at the prices and immediately put them back. $75 for a bra? What in the name of Christmas is this? I went over to the sale section and took a few new underwear, and I grabbed a light pink bralette. I also grabbed two new thongs on my way to the check out.

I placed my items on the counter, and the lady started taking off security tags and scanning them. The total ran up to be $80; gosh these better have some sort of magical effect on them for $80. I payed in cash; I don't own a bank account. The lady handed me two medium bags and gave me my receipt. I took it and walked out back to Stephan. Once I reached him he snatched the bags and started rummaging through them. I was quick to cover his eyes and snatch the bags back.

"I can not believe you" I whisper yelled, people were starting to stare.

"Hey, I am doing nothing wrong! I just wanted to see what you got!"

"No, I can tell you what I got, but you done have to see it you ass" I flicked his forehead, to which he just gave me a hard glare.

We bickered a bit longer, and when I threatened to go to the car he shut up instantaneously. We walked for a little bit longer with him trying to make conversation with me, and me completely ignoring him. We went to the food court and order some food. I don't know how Stephan eats the way he eats, and keeps the body he has. If I ate like that I would turn into a blueberry within an hour.

Stephan was stuffing his face while I was sipping on water. How the hell did he manage to get ketchup on his cheek? I reached over and wiped his cheek and he smiled. He tried to kiss me and I pushed his face away. He gave me an annoyed look to which I shrugged.

We finished up and started our way back to the car. Stephan has been sooo annoying lately. I don't know what's up with him but he's been like almost hanging on me all day and I am over it.

We got in the car and Stephan drove back to the mansion. 


We got home and Jason went to the bathroom while I walked into the kitchen to see Jason lying down on his stomach in the middle of the counter. I shook my head, typical Jason. I put the bags down on the table and ran to Jason; he was sleeping hehehe. I winded my hand back and slipped his butt. He jumped up and screamed. I lost it and started laughing. He stalked over to me and slapped my butt super hard.

Out of no where Jason was pulled away from and and throw on the ground. Stephan got on top of him and punched him right in the face. I stood there shocked not knowing what to do. Stephan threw another punch at him and Jason looked in a daze.

"Get the fuck off of him" Stephan did nothing, "get off of him Stephan!"

Stephan looked up at me, his hair all a mess and little sweat beads forming on his temples, "Are you seriously defending him?" Stephan punched him again.


Stephan looked at him, then at me. He dropped the collar of Jason's shirt and stepped over to me. He rose his hand up to capo my cheek, and I finished back.

"Bambina..." Stephan trailed off

I put my hand up to stop him from talking and walked to Jason. I helped him up and leaned him on me. I walked him to the bathroom and started tending to his wounds.

Stephan's POV

I looked down at my bloodied fist, what the actual fuck just happened? I just beat this kids face in because I thought he was touching my girl. He gay; FUCKING GAY! Kelly didn't think to have told me earlier? Maybe then I wouldn't have beat him up!

I shook my head and walked over to the sink to wash the blood doff my hand when I heard Kelly call my name.

I followed her voice to the bathroom and she pointed to the toilet for me to sit. I feel like I am a little kid who misbehaved and their mother is scolding them. But, I followed her directions and sat down waiting for my lashing.

"I'm sorry" was the first thing that came out of her mouth

"You're sorry? What are you sorry for? I just beat the shit out of Jason because I thought he was hitting on you! And he is gay!" I flew my hands around, and Kelly flinched and shut her eyes.

She think I would hurt her? "Kelly, I will never hurt you. Ever. I swear" 

She stuck out her pinky and said "promise?"

I nodded and locked my pinky with her super small one. I leaned in a kissed her on the cheek. She grabbed my face and kissed me hard. After about a minute, she pulled away and I pecked her forehead.

"I want you to apologize to Jason" Kelly said.


"You have to! I don't care, you have too. Do it for me, ok?" I nodded

Kelly quickly wrapped up my hand and we went to go find Jason. We walked around for a bit then back to the kitchen and, surprise surprise, he was sitting on the counter with bag of ice on his face.

Kelly and I walked in front of Jasons and I quickly said "sorry".

Kelly elbowed me, "I'm sorry" I said more clearly.

"Apology accepted!" Jason said, "butttttttttt......" he continued.

"What?" I said confused.

"Do you have any brothers?"

Brothers? Why does he care- oh.


Guys......WE HIT 1,000 READS WHAT THE HECK!?!? I can not believe the endless support you guys are giving me and all the feedback! You guys touch my heart every time you comment, vote or read my book. I love you all! If you have any suggestions for me or want to talk / want any help feel free to DM me! Gotta blast!


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