Chapter 23

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I limped to Stephan, my body bruised and my hair a total mess. I guess while my adrenaline was up, I didn't notice the fact that someone had stabbed me in the knee. 

Stephan pulled me into a big hug, and kissed my forehead. After he pulled away, he checked my body for injuries; he looked at my arms, legs, knee, head and chest. All of my injuries were minor, aside from me being stabbed in the knee with a knife.

"Ahem," Gavin fake coughed from behind me.

I turned and looked at Maddie standing there with heart eyes, swooning at Stephan and I, and Gavin just looking grossed out.

I laughed and introduced everyone, "Maddie and Gavin, this is Stephan; Stephan this is Maddie and Gavin."

After everyone got introduced and a few awkward silences later, I helped Maddie put her bag in the trunk of the car, and Gavin put his in next to hers. We all got in the car, Maddie and I together in the back, while Stephan and Gavin sat in the middle row glaring at each other. 

"Sooooo, is he your boyfriend?" Maddie whispered.

I nodded and giggled like a school girl, "Yes, he is. But I don't want to talk about that, I want to know if you have any eye candy?"

Maddie went on to tell me all about the 'hot guys' that guard the garage. I think they were the guys with Gavin, and when I asked her, she confirmed those were indeed the 'hot guys' she was talking about. I mean, they're not ugly, but they are not Stephan. Stephan looks like Aquaman, and those boys look like Tom Holland. Tom Holland is cute, but Aquaman is hot as fuck.

We continued our little chit chat until Stephan waved his hand in-between our faces saying it's time to go inside. I just laughed along with Maddie and got out of the car.

Stephan took hold of my hand as we walked to the front door, and opened it. Right at the door I saw Jason, Gio, and Lorenzo waiting for me. 

"Guys!" I yelled.

"Kelly!" they all said in unison.

They all brought me in for a group hug, crushing me in the process. My hand was still in Stephans, so when they wouldn't let go, Stephan pulled me out of their embrace. 

Pretty much the whole night was spent with me catching up with Maddie and Gavin. I talked a bit with my brothers too, but Stephan was silent. I did not hear him utter a single word since he told me it was time to go inside. 

After we showed Gavin and Maddie their rooms, Stephan and I walked to ours. I tried to keep up with Stephans pace, but he was walking so fast. I even tried to hold his hand and he just shrugged out of my hold. What is going on with him?

"Stephan, what's the matter with you?" I asked as we entered our room.

"What's the matter with me? You mean what's wrong with you? I have been trying to talk to you all day because you were kidnapped for a week! And all you did was call me before you left and hugged me when you got home. You haven't even told me what happened! I heard when you were telling Maddie. Since they've been here you have just been ignoring me!" Stephan burst.

I was a little taken back, "Stephan, I'm not trying to ignore you. I have spent weeks with you constantly by my side. I haven't seen either of them in years! Years, Stephan! How would you feel if I wasn't here for years? If I had to just get up snd love for the rest of your life?"

"Don't say shit like that Kelly, you are never going to leave me. I don't care if I have to make you. I can't function in the day knowing you hate me or you're ignoring me. I need your attention, I crave it! I fucking love you so much and I can't live without you. I won't live without you."

"I'm sorry Stephy. I truly am. I had no idea you were trying to talk to me all day because I have been so caught up with talking to Maddie and Gavin."

"Why is he even here? The Gavin kid?"

"Because Stephan, he's my friend." I slapped his chest and gave him a look.

He rolled his eyes and kissed me. The kiss was something that was supposed to be small, but of course, Stephan had to take things to another level. 

He was rough, and soft with me. He grabbed my was it softly, but smacked my ass hard. Stephan backed me up to the bed, and when I felt me knees hit the soft mattress, I sat down. Stephan was about to crawl on top of me, but I pushed him away.

"Cosa?" he whispered still kissing me. (what?)

"I haven't showered in a week, or changed my underwear, or brushed my teeth. I need a deep clean." I laughed. 

"No, it's ok bellissima." (No, it's ok beautiful.)

I shook him off and went to the closet to grab a few things for after my shower. I bent over to pick up Stephans shirt that was lying on the ground when Stephan grabbed my hips and pulled them onto himself. I quickly grabbed the shirt and stood back up and turned around to face him. 

I gave him a look and used my pointer finger to push his chest away from me. I rolled my eyes and made my way around the closet trying to find my underwear. Usually, they're in a small drawer with my bras but I don't see them anywhere. Stephan points we in a different direction, and pointed to the white dresser with two large drawers. He did not.

I looked at him, then back at the dresser shaking my head. I walked to it, and open the first drawer. It looked like the entire Victoria's Secret store in one drawer. Countless amounts of underwear were in there: thongs, cheeksters, bikini, brazilian and tons and tons of lingerie. I opened the next drawer and there were tons of bras in there too, all lined up nicely. There was: lacy, sports, velvet, sexy, modest, revealing, and just straight up provocative. I grabbed a nice set of red velvet underwear and a matching bra. 

I pushed past Stephan, purposely hitting his shoulder with mine on the way out. I went to the bathroom that is attached to the bedroom and locked the door. I put my new clothes on the counter, and my old, gross clothes in the hamper. 

After about half an hour, I hopped out of the shower feeling really good. I dried off and towel dried my hair. I put on my underwear and bra, and then Stephan's white shirt over top. I hung up the towel I used to dry and brushed my teeth. After my teeth were all clean, I opened the bathroom door to see Stephan sitting helplessly on our bed in just his boxers, waiting for me to be done. 


Hey guys! I swear it's been ages since I last updated but I promise I had a good reason. I broke my computer which especially now, is absolute hell. I had to get a computer from my school to be able to go on my zooms and stuff, but now I have mu computer back, and the first thing I did was update this book. I originally had about half this chapter written, but it was defiantly not my best so I deleted it and started fresh. I took a little while to go over my book and reread everything to see where I am at. I also created a much needed character chart, so if you guys would like to see one to clear everything up, do let me know and I will put one in. But a little bit from me personally, I just started Volleyball for my school, and yes I know that the season is not now but we wanted to have one so we kept pushing it back until a few weeks ago. Softball also starts next month so I am going to be one busy bitch. I play for two softball teams and all my sports overlap for about two weeks. So, that means I will be having Volleyball practice, softball practice, then another softball practice after that so I will be very tired at the end of the day. I am going to try and update as frequently and consistently as possible but I swear I'm such a procrastinator. Gotta Blast!

QOTC: What sports do you play? If you don't play any, what would you consider playing if you had to?


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