Chapter 25

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Stephan dismissed the boys and Maddie from our little meeting and told everyone to start packing. Maddie and Gavin decided they were going to stay with us for a while, and their dad thought it would be good for me.

Stephan took my hand and walked us up to our room. As soon as we got in, Stephan shut the door and we started packing. 

I sort of zoned out while packing my essentials, and my mind drifted to what my life was a few months ago.

I was working a job in the bakery, for almost 14 hours every single day. Mrs.Smith basically raised me, and every once in a while, I hear her shaky voice in the back of my head giving me advise. I miss her, and I'm sure Jason does too. 

Before I worked in the bakery, I was dating Nathan Daniels. If I'm being completely honest, I never thought he would turn out to be abusive. He seemed to be so sweet and kind-hearted, but little did I know, am I right? I never really think about my time with Nathan anymore because all the crude memories just start filling my head and never leave.

The night he raped me was February 14, Valentine's Day. I remember coming home from school and seeing him standing in the living room with my father, with both their backs facing me. I touched his shoulder and turned him around, only to see his bloodshot eyes, and sunken in cheekbones. The lighting definitely highlighted the new curves of his face that I never seemed to notice before. His face looked exactly like my fathers after a few years into his cocaine addiction. I remember the look of horror that must have filled my face. 

The next thing I knew, I was being tied to my own bed, and raped. After seeing his face, I blacked out. I don't remember what happened, or how I ended up all the way up the stairs to my room. All I can remember is screaming in agony until it felt like my lungs were going to pop out. For days after he did what he did, I was still tied to my bed, staring, thirsty, and in pain. 

I had managed to slip out of the ropes that were cutting into my wrists and tried to stand up. After I realized there was no possible way of me actually getting out of bed, I gave up. That's when my father made an appearance and told me to get up and get a job. I guess that's how I started working at the bakery. Once I did, Jason and I became a lot closer.

Jason and I's relationship changed rapidly after I told him what happened that night. He started to become protective, and he always kept an eye out for me. He got me out of trouble, and comforted me when I needed it. I also started staying at Jason's until I got the guts to break up with Nathan. I still hadn't seen him since that night.

Eventually, I manned up and broke up with him. He slapped me, kicked me, punched me, even threatened to cut off my tongue if I told anyone about what happened. He told me I would come crawling back to him, but I never did. 

Something I was taught during my time training in France, was to never give in. I was to never tell anyone about what I was taught, what my missions were, because technically, to this day they are still classified. 

Sometimes I wonder why I didn't use my training to get out of the situation I was in with Nathan, that I didn't use my skills to stop him that night. I have been tortured before, and obviously I'm still alive, so why didn't I just stop him. I guess I will never find my answer as long as my mind is as clouded as it is.

"Kelly, baby, did you pack your things?" Stephan called, snapping me back into reality.

"Oh uh," I paused zipping my bag shut, "yup, I just need to grab my toiletries."

"Toilet-trees?" Stephan cocked his head to the right.

"Sure, babe" I laughed, "toilet-trees."

I got off my knees and headed to the bathroom caring a little bag for all my things. I opened the mirror to grab my toothbrush and toothpaste, and shut the mirror again. I caught a glimpse of my reflection. I noticed the once bright purple, yet dark brown bags that were under my eyes are gone. My face has filled in nicely, and my skin is radiant. I took a big step back and took a look at my body. I had defined curves and a short, petite stature. My shoulders however, were rough looking, throwing off my entire look. I always hated them. I tried to lose weight before in hope of the muscles shrinking, but they never did. 

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